Impetigo may cause mild itching and soreness. Molluscum contagiosum — Small, firm bumps that are pink or skin-colored with a dimpled center. They turn red as the immune system fights the infection.
Some bumps may itch but are otherwise painless. Molluscum contagiosum often appears on the face, neck, hands, arms and armpits. Fungal infections — Rash in moist areas of the body where skin rubs up against skin, such as between the toes, under the breasts and in the genital area.
Usually starts between the toes but can also appear on the soles and sides of the feet, and can spread to the toenails, groin and armpits. Scabies — Itching that keeps you up at night, rash with small bumps that look like hives, sores from scratching that can become infected, and crusty areas in severe cases. Mites can burrow anywhere on the body but prefer between the wrists, elbows, fingers, around fingernails, the buttocks, belt line, penis and around the nipples.
Ringworm — A fungal infection that starts as a red scaly area. The area spreads outward and forms a circular ring with a slightly wavy border. The inside of the circle may look clear, scaly or bumpy and red. Sometimes several rings appear and overlap. Shingles — Pain, burning, numbness or tingling, red rash, blisters that rupture and crust, and itching. Kate Messana provide safe and effective treatment for contagious skin diseases. Contagious skin diseases are conditions that cause rashes and other symptoms that affect the skin.
These diseases spread easily from person to person, which makes it crucial to have them treated promptly. Examples of contagious skin diseases include:. Head lice are small bugs found in the hair or on the scalp during infestations.
These bugs, which feed on human blood, mainly affect children. Signs of head lice include itching, visible lice on the scalp, and lice eggs on hair shafts. Treatment options for head lice infestations include over-the-counter products and prescription medications that kill lice and destroy their eggs.
This infection typically affects the skin between the toes and spreads to other parts of the foot. The first sign of scabies is an extreme itchiness which gets worse at night and often begins between the fingers, although it can occur anywhere on the body. It can be easy to identify visually from its distinct appearance: a raised line across the skin with a dot at one end, followed by a rash that spreads across the body and turns into small red spots.
Scabies is easily spread through direct contact with the skin so it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Your Dermatologist will give you a cream to apply over your whole body, to be repeated within one week. Ringworm is a fungal infection — not a worm — that can be spread through direct contact with infected people, animals and objects which have been touched by an infected person.
Your Dermatologist can clear up the infection by giving you antifungal medication to kill the fungus in your body. This might include cream, tablets or shampoo if the ringworm is on your scalp. They can be contracted in a variety of ways, such as direct contact with an infected object or by breathing in with fungal spores. Fungal infections usually grow best in slightly acidic environments, which is why they are often found on damp surfaces like the area around a swimming pool or shower.
Your Dermatologist can treat most fungal infections with antifungal medicines, including creams and tablets. Many skin conditions are non-contagious but still need medical attention. Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic disease that causes red patches covered with silvery scales to appear on the skin. People with psoriasis make and replace skin cells much more quickly than normal, reducing the process from the usual weeks to just days.
This quick build-up of skin cells is what creates the patches on the skin. In most cases, your psoriasis symptoms will be mild until something triggers a flare-up, with the triggers varying from person to person. This will help them decide on the best treatment, such as topical creams or phototherapy. Hives are either a rash or a number of itchy red spots that can appear anywhere on the skin at any age.