Skip to main content. International Customers. United States United Kingdom. Login Create Account Contact. Fulltext search. Their first instinct will be to try to wipe the foam away, which will only worsen their condition when they rub it into their skin. It comes in various strengths, from 0. You can also purchase a training canister loaded with liquid that behaves exactly like the real thing but has no active ingredients.
We recommend you purchase one and see how the product behaves before opting for the real thing. You can also purchase a case with a belt loop for added convenience and security. Imagine you take your family out for a camping trip in the great outdoors. Some of the biggest dangers are the wild animals that roam free in the wilderness.
When we stay in nature, we are trespassing upon their domain. Packing a canister of Mace spray is a safety precaution you should take every time you venture far from civilization. Approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA as a humane way of incapacitating a bear, it will stop a pound giant right in its tracks.
The attacking animal experiences major discomfort upon contact, its eyes watering and respiratory organs halting. This is why the Mace bear is probably the best pepper spray to buy and use when wandering the wilderness.
Once you pull the orange safety wedge, you are instantly ready to shoot, and the finger loop handle will help you hit your mark.
Consider also buying a holster for your bear mace canister for ease of access. Both sides of the spray vs gel debate have their valid points. Pepper gel has a greater range and delivers a concentrated attack.
Because of the increased force with which the agent is sprayed and the consistency of the gel, wind and other environmental factors are much less likely to affect the accuracy of the spray. They will experience an intense burning sensation, temporary blindness, and respiratory contractions that will leave them unable to stand up, let alone do any harm. The effects from this OC spray start to wear off after 45 minutes, more than ample time to run away and contact the authorities. Some people carry around such a mess of keys and gadgets on their keychains that they can barely fit them into a pair of tight jeans.
The Sabre Red keychain pepper spray comes with a quick-release mechanism. Imagine you get attacked while entering your home and your keys are in the door? Or while driving, with the keys in the ignition. With the quick press of a button located on a plastic plate connecting the canister with the keys, the pepper spray will be disengaged from the keyring and ready for use.
In either case, the locked top prevents accidental discharge, and the finely contoured shapes ensure that the spray fits snuggly into the palm of your hand.
It shoots an irritating agent up to 10 feet in a strong stream form, which guarantees to reduce the effect of the elements on your accuracy. The Sabre 3-in-1 pepper spray is loaded with the same famous maximum-strength formula Sabre has become known for. Creepers and stalkers are all too abundant in the digital age.
Some of them take the extra step by harassing people in real life. Martial arts self-defense training will only get you so far. Discreetly disguised as lipstick, it shoots a formidable concoction of pain-inducing agents that will effectively paralyze an attacker in a matter of seconds.
Say a mugger confronts you in an alley, demanding you hand over the contents of your bag. Within half a second, you open the cap and unload a world of hurt into their face. The container loads up to 20 half-second bursts that are near impossible to miss.
And the best thing is, they have a long foot range. The Eliminator Hot Lips is the perfect concealable pepper spray product for ladies to carry it around with themselves at all times.
No one should underestimate the psychological effect that the shape of a gun has on an attacker. When you pull out a gun, the perpetrator will most likely stop in their tracks even before you open fire. Using compressed air, the S1 Pepper Spray Gun shoots pellets that break on impact and create a five-foot cloud of pepper spray and tear gas.
Most models marketed to the public for self-protection are rated in the 2,, to 3,, SHU range. Riot control pepper sprays used by professional law enforcement or game wardens can run up to 5,, SHU or more.
Accuracy Another consideration is accuracy. The spray usually comes out of the nozzle as a wind-resistant stream, not an aerosol mist. The user doesn't have to be precise, but they should be able to produce the canister, point the nozzle at the assailant's face, and dispense the spray under control.
Some pepper spray canisters make this action easier than others, including pistol grips or ergonomically designed caps. Features Trigger Most pepper spray canisters have a trigger that is very intuitive to use. There may or may not be a safety lock to discourage accidental discharge.
The trigger should help orient users while aiming the spray stream at the assailant. Stream Some pepper spray guns deliver a steady and continuous stream until the entire supply is exhausted.
This allows the user to maintain contact with the assailant until incapacitation. Other spray dispensers deliver short bursts of spray in a directed stream, which discourages assailants from a distance or stops aggressive animals in their tracks. Straps Many pepper spray guns designed for personal protection also feature clips or straps that help users maintain a steady grip during usage.
This can be especially useful for runners, campers, or other outdoor enthusiasts who want to have their pepper spray available for use at all times. The reason pepper spray is one of the best self-defense tools has to do with range. Pepper sprays are also affordable, easy to carry and pretty darn effective, making them a relatively safe option for the average person.
Most pepper spray products use capsaicin, which is the same chemical found in peppers. Plus, you know, it hurts like hell. If you ever need to make a grown man cry, pepper spray will get the job done — and fast.
Suffice to say, pepper spray is not a toy, and you can face serious consequences for misusing it. But in a dangerous situation, pepper spray can also be a literal lifesaver. Besides protection against would-be assailants, there are also pepper sprays available specifically to protect against attacking dogs or as a bear repellent. Our top picks are both gel pepper sprays.
Gel spray has a long range, is less susceptible to blowback, and is less likely to be recirculated through an HVAC system if used indoors. Finally, consider adding a good pepper spray to your emergency kits , as human beings can be the most dangerous threat during a disaster event. Sabre is one of the most trusted brands for pepper spray, and this is a solid option for the average user.
It has a long shelf life as well — up to four years. The spray also has a belt clip for easy carrying. This pepper spray uses gel dispersal, which has a greater range and reduced blowback from wind. The canister has a flip-top lid that protects against accidental dispersal but makes it easy to access in emergency situations.
It also has UV marking dye to help identify attackers. This option disperses in gel form, which has a wider range of up to 18 feet. Gel spray is also less susceptible to wind conditions.
Flip-up the safety lid and press on the red button to disperse.