The female scarlet says a few words, and our male Military says only 2 words. Joey Hit the Road. Shamrock Rollerblading along the road. Well, I only ever had a male He would pick up words or phrases then sometimes they would completely drop out of his vocabulary but were replaced by new ones. He very often used them in context, too, which always blew my mind.
Guess I need to get a female now so I can compare notes Never underestimate macaw competiveness. They learn from each other and quickly figure out how to "compete" for attention by talking and talking and talking. They even compete with me as the minute they hear me on the telephone they want to be part of the conversation. Irene Papperberg used this technique and called it "modeling".
If you are trying to teach your macaw to talk try it. Canada Real Name Patricia. My male GW has a huge vocabulary and loves to talk talk talk all day. My Harlequin is 7 yrs old and all though she can talk and has a fairly large vocabulary most of the time she chooses not to talk and prefers to use her body language to comunicate her wants and needs. I would say with macaws male and female are equal in their ability to talk.
Kathie Biking along the boulevard Avenue Spotlight Award. I think it depends on the bird and the interaction the bird receives. However, that is not to say that a bird who doesn't talk much doesn't get a lot of interaction. I have seen baby macaws start talking at months old. That's it. But I love him more than life. My Scarlet, Rhett, is my best talker.
I do not know if Rhett is a male or female. You must be a woman? Female cockatiels and budgies are capable of learning how to talk if you spend a lot of time teaching them and they choose to do so. For Amazons and African greys, for instance, the sex of the bird makes no difference in whether or not the bird speaks. The same way as humans can be introverts or extroverts, parrots have different personalities.
The personality can directly influence the success of teaching a bird to speak. Some birds might be shy or just not be interested in learning how to talk. In fact, some birds might not ever talk during their entire lives. As a bird owner, you need to accept that and not base your decision on owning a bird uniquely on this factor. Amazons, for instance, will speak clearer than a Quaker parrot.
As discussed in our Why can parrots talk article , it takes an incredibly big effort for a bird to talk like a human. Parrots have to move their tongues forward and backward to adjust their beak openings to adjust the sounds.
To summarize, having a strong bond with your bird is essential if you want to teach it how to talk. Younger birds have an easier time learning how to talk in the same way as human toddlers have an easier time learning a second language.
Young birds will learn faster, especially if stimulated during the critical period. Ravens, for instance, can only learn how to talk during their critical period , when their nervous system is especially sensitive to certain environmental stimuli. If for some reason, this organism does not receive the appropriate stimulus during this period to learn a given skill or trait, it may be difficult to learn after. Another reason why age might affect the possibilities of learning how to talk is the fact that younger birds develop a stronger bond with their first family.
As mentioned, a strong bond is a great facilitator for the learning process, because it takes a LOT of effort for a parrot to learn how to talk. Parrots should be loved by what they are, and not by what they can do in terms of tricks.
They are lifetime companions and everyone willing to own a bird should know that. Another point to be made is that some parrots will simply never learn how to talk. Maybe because they are not interested or maybe because they have some kind of issue neurological or vocal related that might affect that. Before teaching your bird, also reflect if you are going to be okay with the bird repeating sounds over and over.
Imagine yourself learning a new language. You have to associate vocabulary within a certain context. If you repeat words when directly engaging with them, they will learn the sounds that appeal to them. So basically, try to use words in context when talking and asking questions of the bird. For instance:. When do Macaws Start to really talk.
Thread starter tamatha Start date Feb 10, Oct 7, 16 0 norfolk england Parrots Jasper and Pepper who are macaws.
Hi Guys. As you may know I have 2 macaws, Jasper and Pepper, they will be a year old in April. They say a few words like Hello, What, Shut up I love that ,but thats about it. How long does it take before they really start chatting nice and clear.
I do talk to them a lot, and when we go into the room they say hello. As well as a lot of different noises. I would just like to know when your birds started talking-and what they say. Look forward to hearing from you.
Unfortunately that may be all you get.. BUT keep talking they are smart. Safira New member. Not all birds want to talk, the fact that your Macaws say a few words is excellent! Macaw's aren't known to be super chatty like African Greys. She doesn't get it yet, she just kinda makes the sounds but they aren't very clear. I think she said 'hello' once though! I am just glad she hasn't figured out the screaming part yet.
Mondos Parents New member. Our Bob says quite a few things, but not to much when we are in his sight, he is 7 yrs old, he will tell the dog and Mondo to Shut up. Hello Bob, and Love you. I think he will be a "Chatty" macaw, when Bob is in a good mood he will talk some, but that is rare, he also does a great Burp!
JJones New member. Although most Macaws very when it comes to talking, each Macaw is different. Some seem to enjoy talking while other like to make noise. My Neleno is 3 years old and around months old, he seemed to be really interested in talking, he started out like most do with Hi and hello, but around 1 year old, he seemed to pick up on everything I said or what he heard on T. He also will mimic wild birds outside with their whistles and clicks. It's pretty amazing now, he is starting to use words or phrases with the correct action, this is a little freaky for me and in most cases he is right on whatever action he is performing.
In the Morning when I uncover him, he will say good morning, at night when covering him, he says bedtime. When I feed him his meals, he will ask me if it's good. If I give him a treat or his favorite Almonds he gets really excited and just says mmmmmmmmmmm. Keep working with your Macaw, reward them when they say a word or phrase, this will help them learn that you want them to talk. Best of luck. Enjru Banned. Chilli is my Scarlet Macaw.
I've kept her for about 4 years. She only started talking when she was about 2 years old. So far, she is picking up new words every 6 months. First thing she said was, "Hello", followed by "Good", followed by "Wei" which is what we say in our language when we pick up the phone. She says all these things in context. As soon as the phone rings, or even when I press the numbers on the phone she only has to hear the very soft beeps even if I'm in the next room , she'll say, "Wei?
Sometimes, when Chilli doesn't know I can hear her, I notice her practising her speech. I can hear the inflections and pitches of human speech, but without the proper consonants and vowels included, so I can only guess what she's learning to say. Hope this helps, Enjru. Last edited: Feb 19, Safira said:.