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See Terms of Use. Login Sign up About. Bears Ears National Monument. Sign up for the Newsletter. Squirrel Island Summer Colony. Squirrel Island , ME. Landscape Information. Category Designed Landscape. Location and Nearby Landscapes. Due to the mandatory quarantine, she knew she would have to make the trip only once. Similarly, Susan Newbury has been living her summers on the island since , but this year she plans on delaying her stay until July. I will not be staying away all summer.
Newbury said she understands Maine's approach since the threat of coronavirus came later here than in her home state of Connecticut.
She is optimistic July in Maine will look a bit similar to the Nutmeg State right now. Of course we were hit sooner than Maine, but we're doing fine, we even have all our restaurants open for outdoor seating, now … We're safe, we wash our hands, we wear our masks, we don't just go out for the heck of it.
Social distancing is the norm, but you can still enjoy beautiful Maine and stick to those standards. It is so beautiful and I feel very, very badly because I know a lot of people aren't coming up and I know that's really going to hurt the region. Freeport winter resident Sally Thomas said coming out to the island is very easy, but even though she is not an out-of-stater, she is being respectful and cautious as someone coming into the region.
Thomas has been doing her grocery shopping at her home market in Yarmouth to make less of an impact on the Boothbay Harbor Hannaford's. Patronizing the region is important to her, but so is caution. We want to show our support for everything here. Many are staying away and waiting to see if things change, but several families have said they are not coming at all this year. Most who have decided to come to the island have stuck to the rules very seriously, Hallinan continued.
They're committed to the two-week quarantine. So, there are several people quarantining and there are some who are just out here for the weekend. While the morning and afternoon children's recreation program will not be held this year, the Tea Shop will be open for take-out and possibly deck seating later this summer. I didn't dare hold back in case all of a sudden everything fell right into place and everybody comes rushing up, so whatever happens, we are ready to go.
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