Unfortunately, ganking being killed by higher-level players is the order of the day -- grit your teeth, stay off the roads, and you'll soon be big enough to visit some revenge on your tormentors.
If you're not bored of the Barrens yet, Camp Taurajo in the southern half of the zone will get you quested up during your early twenties. Sun Rock Retreat in the Stonetalon Mountains is an obvious next step from the Barrens, and a level 20 quest from Ratchet sends you to the zone to hunt spider eggs. However, most of the quests from Sun Rock Retreat are around level , so you will probably want to forget the spider eggs until you're ready to tackle the entire zone.
Another excursion from the Barrens takes you to its northern neighbour Ashenvale ; this night elf zone stands in contrast to the arid Barrens. With two Horde bases Splintertree Post and the Zoram'Gar Outpost , there are a few quests in this zone most suitable for those past level If you're not on a PvP server, you may find the Hillsbrad Foothills a zone worth adventuring in.
Horde town Tarren Mill contains a number of quests, but nearby Alliance town Southshore is frequented by higher-level players, so the area is PvP-heavy. Hillsbrad is a natural progression from the earlier undead zones. Towards the end of the bracket, you can venture into Thousand Needles , south of the Barrens. Quests abound at Freewind Post, and the neutral quests in the Shimmering Flats southeast of the zone can be attempted around level 30 the mobs are level for a lot of solid XP all at once.
The Flats are large, and there's no Alliance town to encourage PvP. Players adventuring in Westfall will find it easy to continue their adventures in Redridge Mountains , though several of the Redridge quests can be done in your late teens.
Darkshire, in Duskwood , is the next step -- you'll be travelling between Raven Hill cemetery and Darkshire a lot, but the quests here stack very well, meaning you can get several done at once. You can spend most of your time from here if you choose.
This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Quick Facts. Ashenvale, Horde Find Gorat! Final Report To Dinah, at Once! Gorat's Vengeance Got Lumber? Blood of the Weak Pierce Their Heart!
Condition Critical! Comments Comment by lgthomas For this quest you will need to kill 10 Mystlash Hydra. They will drop Mystlash Hydra Blubber. You will find a lot of them in the waters to the west of Zoram'gar Outpost starting about 9, When you have your 10 go back to the forge 11, It's inside the building.
Melt your blubber into oil at the forge and make your way over to the lighthouse at 6, Climb the stairs to the top, use your oil on the Lighthouse Fire and your done. Comment by the blubblet have a very small drop chance on live servers at the moment, i have killed over 80 of the hydras, and haven't gotten a singel blubblet yet. Comment by wowheadizmydaddy Make sure to do the following swim-fest quest along with 'Fires Burning' to save some time: Lousy Pieces of Ship.
Comment by srsly where's the forge? Comment by I can not find the forge at all, I've searched and searched all of the buildings. There is no forge in the building with the anvil Comment by I can't find the forge either I've been looking for like an hour or so now Go further west on the other side of the road you should find a path to Silverwing Outpost 66, Kill all the nightelves on the path and inside the house, as soon as this is done, sprint back to Torek and start his quest.
Note: If you are a healer this should be easy, you can buff and heal Torek but only with heals which trigger a buff icon, such as Renew, Rejuvenate, Power Word: Shield.
If you fail the quest just wait for the NPCs to respawn and try again, it took me 2 tries to get it down with the first character I did it. You should be level 25 by now. Go west across the river, and further west until you hit Mystral Lake 52, Start killing Befouled Elementals there, be very careful with your breath as they like to frost nova you while you are under water, so stay close to the surface as much as you can and pull them with a long range attack.
Besides killing 12 Befouled Water Elementals you must also find and kill Tideress , a level 27 elemental who roams from the island in the middle of the lake to the eastern tip of the lake.
Make sure you get him solo and have your cooldowns up or at least a potion ready. Go to the island in the mdiddle of Mysral Lake and walk around the gazebo structure until you get the objective complete message for [25] Stonetalon Standstill.
Kill the remaining Befouled Water Elementals you need to complete the quest and then head to the western tip of the lake.
Ursangous always roams around this area, so just kill bears and stags while waiting for him to show up. Kill him and loot his paw. Right click the paw to start a quest. Once that is done, get back on the road to Splintertree Post and turn in the quests:. Jame wrote:. Hearthstone to Orgrimmar. Buy the shredder pages you miss, they go for s buyout usually, and sell the extras.
Take [21] Tribes at War. Go north of Camp Taurajo where you should see Bristlebacks. Now quickly kill 6 Water Seekers , 12 Thornweavers and 12 Geomancers. Take the follow up and turn it in right away. Now you can get [25] Betrayal from within from the NPC. Beside you can turn in your Blood Shards for useful buffs like runspeed. Clear any bug around it and then click them to gather Silithis Eggs. Rinse and repeat until you have 12 eggs.
Then head south staying close to the mountain on your right hand side until you stumble across some quillboar camps. You have to kill Razormane Warfrenzies , Seers and Stalkers until you get a wand , a shield and a backstabber. Warfrenzies drop the shield, Seers drop the wand and Stalkers drop the stabber.
Kill him and loot his skull. The 3rd and last one, Kuz , roams around the middle camp and a tree with a painted stone at 45,80 , kill him and loot his skull. When done with quests [25] Betrayal from within and [24] Weapons of Choice , go east until you hit the road. Head southeast to Bael Modan. Enter the excavation site by the slope on the southern side of the site 46, Head out back to Gann , turn in the quest and get the follow up [26] Revenge of Gann.
This time head to the dwarven fortress which is just north of the excavation site. Kill dwarves there until you complete the [26] Revenge of Gann quest.
Once that is done, get back on the road and find Gann, turn in [26] Revenge of Gann and get the follow up. Go back to the excavation site, but this time your target is the Helipad with the Gyrocopter atop. The Helipad is midway down the slope going to the excavation site 46,85 , go up the helipad and right click the Flying Machine to destroy it, then go back to Gann for the last time and turn in the quest. Run back to Camp Taurajo and turn in the quests:.
For those who have [27] Mahren Skyseer : From Ratchet go south along the Merchant coast until you get to the area named the Tidus Stair , turn in [27] Mahren Skyseer and get the follow up [27] Isha Awak.
Go south along the merchant coast until the Northwatch Hold, take a dive and the Isha Awak some big aquatic dinosaur should be there underwater at 63, Isha Awak can also be found a bit south of Mahren Skyseer, around 66, It should be an easy kill, loot his heart and run back to Mahren Skyseer, turn in [27] Isha Awak. Run back to Ratchet. Take the boat to Booty Bay. Once you have the flight path, hearthstone to Orgrimmar! Go learn new skills and restock consumables and food.
Go west on the road until you reach 56, At this loc, go north and then right until you stumble across an area with Laughing Sisters Dryads 58, Around this camp there is a named cat, Shadumbra. Clear your way around the camp, find and kill the cat then loot its head, right click it to start the quest.
Go southeast until you find a camp of satyrs 66, Kill satyrs there be careful at this level though, pull cautiously so as to not get ads especially as there are stalkers around until you finish [26] Satyr Horns and also find a Warsong Oil , they can be found inside various satyr camps and look like this:. You will most likely find a Warsong Oil there, but be careful, the satyrs here are a bit tougher than at Night Run. Once you spot Sharptalon keep him in sight and wait till he is close enough to the Forsaken Camp, pull him with the lowest aggro spell you have a simple bow shoot or a rank 1 nuke and bring him to the Forsaken Camp.
Do nothing, let the npcs there aggro it and take it off you. You should normally be able to loot him, and get his claw, which starts a quest if you right click it. Sharptalon roams but he always passes by the Forsaken Camp. On your way back to Splintertree, pass by the small encampment at 70,71 to the west where you initially got the shredder manual quest. Turn in [30] The Lost Pages. Also right before Splintertree turn in [27] Warsong Supplies.
Turn it in immediately. Fly to Sun Rock Retreat. Follow the path north out of Sun Rock Retreat. Continue north until you reach a little lake. All around the lake you should find seeds looking like this:.
Once done follow the path going west from the lake to the Charred Vale. Just as you arrive you should start seeing Harpies and Fire Elementals. Kill them until both [25] Elemental War and [26] Harpies Threaten are completed. There, turn in all your quests. Take the follow ups [26] Bloodfury Bloodline and [25] New Life.
Kill it and loot its remains. Once you are done with planting seeds as well, go back to Sun Rock Retreat and turn in both quests. Learn new skills, check the auction house, repair and restock consumables etc. Get out of Orgrimmar, take the Zeppelin to Undercity. From the Undercity fly to Tarren Mill. After landing, head west to the Hillsbrad Fields , this time go to the forge house, which is west of the southern field. Once the forge is clear go inside and loot the « Shipment of Iron « , which looks like a big crate.
Once that is done, head back to Tarren Mill. Turn in [26] Battle of Hillsbrad and get the follow up. Clear your way to inside the house, and clear the first 2 rooms. First pull the 1 mob which is on the left inside the room, go back to the first room and hide behind a wall so that the Councilman cannot nuke you from a distance but instead come to you. Then go to the big room and kill Clerk Horrace Whitesteed.
Get back to full health, and kill Magistrate Burnside then destroy the Hillsbrad Proclamation.