Now, this clumsy feline is stuck. All he can see is the floor. The finishing move, however, put them in a sleeper hold. This dog seems very content to be stuck between a brick wall and a chain-link fence. Like the pool chair pup, this pooch has decided to make the best of his clumsiness. Again, for as clumsy as this doggo clearly was, we think he ended up exactly where he wanted to be.
Help in this situation is not welcome. This cat is proof of that. All it wanted was to breathe in the fresh air at the campsite. Before smelling the crisp morning air it just has to let itself out of the tent. Easy for a human. Impossible for a fuzzy feline. Well, maybe not impossible looking at the picture, but not graceful either. The beautiful fox. Judging by this picture, also one of its clumsiest.
This fox either fell off the rock it was sitting on or completely misjudged its landing. Thankfully this fox had a soft landing in the snow. The panda almost made it down the slide before its natural clumsy instinct took over. Maybe the slide was too long and the bear gained too much momentum, causing it to roll.
Maybe it just decided it was time to get off. One of these puppies is much less clumsy than the other. Can you guess which one that is? Hopefully, you answered the one still standing on the step.
The other pup clearly still needs stairs training. This picture is peak pooch silliness. Two siblings exploring the house together. One, of course, is a little more adventurous than the other and forgot how his paws worked for a moment. And that moment was all it took for this to happen. Skip to content Skip to navigation. Office of the Vice Provost. Search form Search. You are here Home » News. Image: Wikimedia Commons. Aug 26 Fish belong to one of the six general animal groups which are: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.
While the flesh of fish might not be considered as meat, fish are animals which have brains and can feel pain. Bird Classification An animal is a land mammal other than a human being.
Insects, birds and fish are not animals. Animals live in marine and terrestrial environments. Insects, birds, and fish are all animals. Skip to content April 21, Joe Ford. Table of Contents.