Which lod cable

It performs bends more easily than our past LOD cable designs but with maximum conductor sizing to provide the best-shielded signal transfer.

This cable will be used in double duty as both an analog signal transfer as well as a digital transfer for Moon Audio's Apple Certified Lightning cables that are launching very soon. The copper stranding is mixed with Kevlar stranding to reinforce the conductor making it stronger overall and less prone to failure due to the harsh constant flexing a LOD audio cable receives.

The conductors are then surrounded by cotton filler and then a layer of Al-Mylar. The outside diameter is 5mm. The cable can be constructed with a whole host of connector options. Please see pull down menu's below for these options. But if you love warmth, or your system is bright sounding, a Black Dragon Headphone Cable will be a The cable is dead quiet and rejects all We had many requests from our customers who had systems where silver just wasn't an ideal fit.

This cable It is an We build cables for home, office or Portable solutions. It has a Dragon Audio Cables are covered by a one-year limited warranty against material or manufacturing defects. I should mention that it's probably not worth buying very high end materials if your stereo is not high end, as even the best cable in the world can't make a low end stereo sound like a high end one! Mine uses RCA style jacks, but yours may use a 3.

Tools: - Wire cutters. The first thing you want to do is pull out every pin from the rear of the dock connector except pins 2, 3, 4, 11, 15 and 21 see first picture. Next, slightly bend pins 2, 3 and 4 away from each other.

This just gives you a little bit more room to solder later. Short pins 11 and 15 together by bending them inwards toward each other. We'll solder them later. Pin Solder a 68k ohm resistor between this pin and pins 11 and Only necessary for iPhones etc. Decide on a good length of your LOD cable and cut your wire to equal lengths. If you're making a 3. When cutting your wires to length, keep in mind that you'll lose some length when you braid the wires roughly 3" per foot , so cut them accordingly.

It's a good idea to have a bit of extra wire Strip a small amount of the sheathing off one end of your wires you don't need to strip much at all. You may find that there isn't enough room to get heat shrink over the wires because they are being soldered so close together. This isn't a problem as you can simply coat your connections in a bit of epoxy glue before you assemble your dock connector final step.

Ok, so this step is kind of a preference thing. There are many different ways you can braid your wires. The type of braid also depends on how many wires you have. I'm not very good at explaining how to do this, but I'll do my best. I chose to do a 'Litz' braid. It is a widely used type of braid for DIY audio cables and ideal for a four wire setup. There are also various braiding videos on Youtube if you need to watch a demo.

With all four wires next to each other, take the wire furthest to the left and cross is over the two wires to the right of it. Then, take the wire furthest to the right and cross it over the one wire to it's left.

Next, take the wire furthest to the left and cross it under the two wires closest to it's right. PM one of the cable makers here and have them make you one. Also, that way you can have it made to your exact specifications. I recommend dropping stevenkelby or barqy a line.

I've used stevenkelby for them twice now, and I highly recommend his work. Joined Feb 28, Posts 2, Likes Although most DIYers I know are very fast. Joined Sep 21, Posts 96 Likes I highly recommend that you contact StevenKelby with your budget and work something out.

His worksmanship is top notch. Just purchased 2 cryo x silver cables from him for the price of one from ALO. Awesome service, awesome stuff. Thank you all. I didn't know about these guys selling their own DIY cables. Great advice. Seems like my quest is over. Boringz Head-Fier. Joined Jul 12, Posts 85 Likes The workmanship is great by the way, better than the average ebay cables I've spent days looking at when I was at your spot. Joined Apr 2, Posts Likes There's quite a few models here. Which model have you tried?

Esp the Touch, thin and sterile. Not sure how much can one of these cables improve on the sound quality if I bypass the phone jack. Joined Sep 23, Posts Likes H-ermes New Head-Fier. Joined Sep 10, Posts 47 Likes


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