On the moral side, I see nothing wrong with withholding respect from persons, in or out of uniform, who make no real attempt to adhere to ethical standards. If warriors do in fact live up to the high standards they set for themselves, it is not unfair or hypocritical of them to expect the same from others.
There are plenty of civilians who firmly believe that adultery is wrong and will remain faithful to their marriage vows, even if no laws required them to do so.
With regard to their martial abilities, warriors-in-training should be encouraged to feel that they are capable of things that most civilians by choice or nature are not. What is the point of training if, at the end of it, you do not feel that you can do or withstand what those not similarly trained cannot?
Unfortunately, many rites of passage events intended to prove to the participants that they can do or withstand what others cannot have been softened to the point that they now carry little emotional significance. This was done to prevent a negative form of hazing, but it seems that the baby may have been thrown out with the bath water. Some hazing is nothing more the foolish exercise of petty power by one group over another.
Hazing that claims the status of a rite of passage but in actuality does nothing to make the warrior feel more prepared to face the demands of his or her future career of service should indeed be avoided.
True rites of passage, in contrast, are carefully designed to allow those who endure them to prove something to themselves. Even if they involve lessons in humility, they are ultimately intended to make the warrior feel more like a warrior, not to make those administering or observin g the rite feel better about themselves. Well-conceived rites of passage enhance individual dignity; they do not damage it.
It should be noted that in historical warrior traditions, many of the most powerful rites are entirely self-administered. Sioux braves willingly pierced their pectoral muscles and attached themselves by cords to a tall pole, dancing around it until the cords ripped loose out of their torn flesh. The Chinese monks of Shaolin entered the Corridor of Death of their own free will, knowing that even if they survived its deadly gauntlet of booby-traps, they could not escape without lifting a pound, red-hot cauldron away from the exit, using only their bare arms which would be permanently branded in the process with the images of a dragon and a tiger.
Such rituals may seem unnecessarily savage, but a similar criticism has been raised in modern times against mere blood pinning. It is equally ludicrous to use the inclusion of women in warrior training as an excuse for watering down training.
The desire to face real challenges, to demonstrate competence, and to build confidence by mastering trials is not gender-specific. The specific skills and abilities that warriors need to succeed in responding to modern threats will continue to evolve, but as long as war involves killing and dying, there will be a need for warriors who feel like warriors. It is doing them a disservice to pretend that their jobs are no different than those of businesspeople, computer specialists, or engineers in the civilian world.
Register Don't have an account? The Warrior Code. Edit source History Talk 0. The Warrior Code: Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.
Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name. This also includes the reveal of the identity of the impostor. Please proceed at your own discretion. It changes and grows as it needs to. But perhaps we don't need to change it.
Perhaps we could just reorder the rules so that the most important ones come first. Categories Reference Clan life. Strong and powerful is my body. Loyalty I remain a Patriot to my country and will leave no one behind.
This is the code of the Warrior Live it. Wear it. Warrior Code is a U. Veteran owned business! Log in or Create account.