Why do children have behavioral problems

The characteristics of ADHD can include: Inattention — difficulty concentrating, forgetting instructions, moving from one task to another without completing anything. Overactivity — constant restlessness and fidgeting. It is unclear if the cause is genetic or linked to socialisation experiences. Temperament — children who are difficult to manage, temperamental or aggressive from an early age are more likely to develop behavioural disorders later in life.

Family life — behavioural disorders are more likely in dysfunctional families. For example, a child is at increased risk in families where domestic violence, poverty, poor parenting skills or substance abuse are a problem. Learning difficulties —problems with reading and writing are often associated with behaviour problems.

Intellectual disabilities — children with intellectual disabilities are twice as likely to have behavioural disorders. Brain development — studies have shown that areas of the brain that control attention appear to be less active in children with ADHD.

For example, a child who exhibits the delinquent behaviours of CD may also have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and a difficult home life. Diagnosis methods may include: Diagnosis by a specialist service, which may include a paediatrician, psychologist or child psychiatrist In-depth interviews with the parents, child and teachers Behaviour check lists or standardised questionnaires.

Treatment of behavioural disorders in children Untreated children with behavioural disorders may grow up to be dysfunctional adults. Generally, the earlier the intervention, the better the outcome is likely to be.

A large study in the United States, conducted for the National Institute of Mental Health and the Office of School Education Programs, showed that carefully designed medication management and behavioural treatment for ADHD improved all measures of behaviour in school and at home.

Treatment is usually multifaceted and depends on the particular disorder and factors contributing to it, but may include: Parental education — for example, teaching parents how to communicate with and manage their children. This may include:. It is not possible for parents or caregivers to diagnose behavioral disorders themselves. An early diagnosis can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatments. But many child psychologists will not diagnose a behavioral disorder in very young children, particularly those of preschool age or younger.

This is because it can be challenging to distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior in this age group. Because young children experience huge developmental changes in a short period of time, they may outgrow short-term behavioral difficulties. Approaches that may help include:.

Patience, empathy, and encouragement are important for helping to boost self-esteem. An authoritative parenting style, which involves listening to children whilst also setting reasonable rules and boundaries, is also helpful. In fact, they can be very damaging. Caregivers should speak with a pediatrician if they think their child may be showing signs of a behavioral or developmental disorder.

The doctor may refer the child to a specialist, such as a:. It is also important for caregivers to seek support for their own well-being. They may wish to make use of respite care, if available, or to speak with a therapist. There are also support groups where caregivers can connect with others raising children with behavioral disorders. Most children have temper tantrums or display impulsive or defiant behavior at some point. These are usually a normal part of child development.

With early and appropriate treatment, families can learn to manage the behaviors. In many cases , careful treatment improves behavior over time. A person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may have difficulty focusing, managing energy levels, and controlling impulses.

Learn more here. ADHD is a behavioral condition that affects an individual's concentration and activity levels. Is it possible to diagnose ADHD in a toddler? Conduct disorder is a mental health condition that affects children. It is characterized by antisocial, hostile, and violent behavior. It's normal for children to want to avoid getting in trouble, but this will be much more noticeable. What you are looking for here is a consistent lack of responsibility and a refusal to own up to their own mistakes.

Boys with CD, in particular, tend to exhibit antisocial behavior. More often than not, severe antisocial behavior in early childhood leads to a diagnosis of CD or ODD. You will notice repeated violations of social rules, which will also tie into defiance of authority and disregard for others. Behavioral issues in children can lead to stress and frustration for the entire family. Learn more about how Brain Balance can help children with behavioral disorders. Children with ADHD are also more impulsive than other kids.

If a child acts out repeatedly in school or during homework time it could be the result of a learning disorder. If, for instance, they have trouble with math problems or a writing assignment, rather than ask for help, they might rip up the paper or start something with another child to create a diversion. Kids who find learning harder than other kids do can be very frustrated and lose their temper frequently.

So they often tend to hide their struggles. Getting into trouble might be less painful than letting people know that something is wrong with them. Paying attention to when the problem behavior happens can lead to exposing a learning issue and getting a child help. Children who have trouble processing sensory information can have extreme and confusing behavior when their senses are overwhelmed.

They might refuse to wear clothes that they find uncomfortable or eat food that feels wrong in their mouths. Kids with sensory problems can also be rigid about routines and get upset or resist changes that seem insignificant to other people. They are also at risk for running away when an environment feels too overwhelming for them. For more information see Sensory Processing Issues Explained.


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