Why do we study adolf hitler

In May, Schmitz was suspended and investigated for an unrelated supposed scandal. But the new president, Gustav Gassner , also squared off against the Nazi student group, objecting to their use of Memorial Day to celebrate one of their leaders killed in a street fight and that they carried party banners with the swastika symbol at university events. Klagges overruled him. After the national power grab of the Nazi party in January , Braunschweig, sooner than elsewhere, experienced dismissals, arrests of political opponents, street violence, and book burning.

Gassner first hid and then fled the state, resigned while in Bonn, and was arrested upon his return to Braunschweig. On May 1, , Klagges announced on the steps of the university that Nazi party member Paul Horrmann was its new president. By then, democracy and university autonomy were dead. This question has been discussed extensively by local historians—and by the protagonists themselves after At least three factors came together.

First, the divide between the center-right the alliance parties in the coalition and the center-left the SPD, or social democrats was deeper in Braunschweig than elsewhere in Germany, probably due to the experience of an SPD-only government from to Second, the street violence and verbal intimidations by Nazi groups, including paramilitaries, created an atmosphere of fear.

Even before the national power grab, individuals who had spoken out against the Nazis were anxious about their personal safety. In their own statements after , centrist and center-right politicians argued that they tried to contain the Nazis by integrating them into government, which they expected would eventually undermine their voter support.

That was a costly miscalculation. My interest in this history is very personal. Not only is Braunschweig my hometown, but my grandfather was a junior professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig, working closely with Gustav Gassner, the president who stood up to the Nazis but was imprisoned and went into exile in Turkey.

Recognizing the importance of learning from history , and family memories in particular, I believe this history holds important lessons on the rise of Nazism in Germany—and thus also on how similar excesses can be prevented in the future.

For voters, be informed and engaged. And steer clear from political groups that are not committed to democratic processes or have racially motivated agendas. For politicians, sharing power with extremists in your own party, or in other parties, is dangerous.

Politicians of the center-left and center-right may see each other as historical opponents, but they should be allied in fighting extremists on either side. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Germany also had to give up its prized overseas colonies and surrender valued parcels of home territory to France and Poland.

The German army was radically downsized and the nation forbidden to have submarines or an air force. Paying the crushing reparations destabilized the economy, producing ruinous, runaway inflation. By September , four billion German marks had the equal value of one American dollar. Consumers needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough paper money to buy a loaf of bread.

Hitler, a mesmerizing public speaker, addressed political meetings in Munich calling for a new German order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic regime. This New Order was distinguished by an authoritarian political system based on a leadership structure in which authority flowed downward from a supreme national leader. Jews represented everything the Nazis found repugnant: finance capitalism controlled, the Nazis believed, by powerful Jewish financiers , international communism Karl Marx was a German Jew, and the leadership of the German Communist Party was heavily Jewish , and modernist cultural movements like psychoanalysis and swing music.

Once conquered, the Soviet Union would be ruled by the German master race, which would exterminate or subdue millions of Slavs to create lebensraum living space for their own farms and communities. In a conquered and racially cleansed Russia, they would work on model farms and factories connected to the homeland by new highways, called autobahns.

Hitler was the ideologue as well as the chief organizer of the Nazi Party. By , the party had a newspaper, an official flag, and a private army—the Sturmabteilung SA storm troopers —made up largely of unemployed and disenchanted WWI veterans.

By , the SA had grown to 15, men and had access to hidden stores of weapons. The regular army crushed the rebellion and Hitler spent a year in prison—in loose confinement. The book brought together, in inflamed language, the racialist and expansionist ideas he had been propagating in his popular beer-hall harangues.

Image: Bundesarchiv, Bild S They started with the Nuremberg Laws when Hitler became the most powerful. Hitler was a strange man who blamed Jews for the fall of Germany. There are several reasons as to why we study the Holocaust , the most important is so we never face something like this again. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria but later on became a German solider.

He went to Germany after both his parents died, and after he was rejected from an art college. During WWI Hitler was injured twice. While he was in the hospital recovering, he found out that Germany lost the war, and he became furious. Once he …show more content… Jews couldn't leave, they lost all rights and had no where to go. Germany expanded and they lost rights. Over this 12 year period, we lost 11 million undisirables, and tons of allied soilders.

World War II was a huge turning point for us. Once Japaneese soilders bombed and attacked us at Pearl Harbor, we jumped into the war. Before hand, we were trying to stay out of this ugly war. We even stopped send Japan materials, and they saw it as a threat. They thought they were being an unequal part in the Tripartite pact. The Tripartite Pact was a deal between Japan, Italy, and Germany, stating they would work together to 'rule the world.

Once we joined the war, the hammer swwung the other way. They were weaker and tierd. Once we came in, we slowly took over. On September 8th , Italy capitulated. Once America joined the war, the Final Solution was put into action, Germany tried to get rid of everything. WWII was a horrible and long battle that we will never forget. Anne Frank personally went through the Holocaust. She didnt make it all way though. She died two weeks before her camp was liberated.

The only person Anne talked about that survived was her Dad.


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