Why erosion is bad

In this process, topsoil sediments are transported elsewhere. As for the remaining soil, it can lose its infiltration capacity, which means more water getting lost from the ecosystem and a harder time for new plants to grow. The use of chemicals under the form of pesticides and fertilizers on often monocultural crops is a very usual way of helping farmers improve their yields. However, the excessive use of phosphoric chemicals ends up causing an imbalance of microorganisms in the soil moisture, stimulating the growth of harmful bacteria.

As the soil gets degraded, the risk of erosion increases and the sediments sweep via the actions of water and wind into rivers and nearby regions, possibly contaminating nearby ecosystems. At the same time, tillage techniques that turn over crops and forages commonly used by farmers to prepare seedbeds by incorporating manure and fertilizers, leveling the soil and taking out invasive seeds also have a large impact. Instead, it runs off to flood nearby lands, speeded up erosion in these areas.

Moreover, motor-based activities such as motocross also have the potential to disturb ecosystems and change even if at a smaller scale compared with other causes and erode the soil. Soil is a very important resource that allows the production of food, fiber, or forages. Despite it being a renewable resource, it renews slowly — generating three centimeters of topsoil takes 1, years.

Therefore, protecting it is very important to bet on long-term, sustainable agricultural practices since one of the main issues associated with soil erosion is that it comes along a decrease in soil productivity.

These productivity losses reduce the quantity and quality of the food we eat. A study based on the results of 40 soil associations reported that the effects of soil erosion on soil productivity were mostly the result of subsoil properties such as soil water availability, root growth or plow layer fertility — which impact yield results.

In the end, with an unfavorable subsoil, erosion is easier and yields and productivity are more greatly affected. Despite the fact human activities have accelerated soil erosion, there are ways of repairing the damage we have created.

From reforestation and windbreaks to stone walls or more sustainable agriculture techniques. Regenerative agriculture techniques have the potential to preserve and restore ecosystems and habitats and improve the quality and health of the soil.

Windbreaks are linear plantings of shrubs and trees with the goal of improving crop production, protect the soil, people, and livestock. According to FAO , windbreaks can reduce wind velocities for a distance approximately 15 times the height of the tallest trees.

As a result, there is a lower rate of soil loss across large crop areas. According to Camera et. According to FAO , reforestation helps reduce sedimentation rates in downstream valleys. According to this UN agency, reforestation on unstable land and around water regions such as rivers increases the water-retention capacity of land and improve water quality, both of which benefit food production.

Moreover, according to a recent study published in Nature , reforestation also has a tremendous potential to help fight climate change as trees capture huge amounts of CO2. Conservation tillage stands for as any form of tillage that minimizes the number of tillage passes. Conservation tillage techniques have the potential to reduce the vertical movements of soil. In this way, more crop residues are left on the soil surface reducing the exposure to water or wind erosion.

FAO, bringing attention to the fact that a lthough soils are essential for human well-being and the sustainability of life on the planet, they are threatened on all continents by natural erosion.

The dirt beneath our feet is getting poorer and on many farms worldwide, there is less and less of it. It can also have health impacts: worsening air quality, obscuring visibility, and causing people to experience breathing difficulties. Below are some examples of the effects of wind erosion on farmland. Crop damage: When wind causes soil to become airborne, the blowing soil can sandblast delicate leaves and stems or even bury plants and seeds, resulting in decreased crop yields.

Dust storms: When dry, loose soil particles are suspended in the air, large dust storms can form and last for several hours. These storms can damage crops, harm livestock, and cause a variety of serious human health problems , including asthma attacks and dust pneumonia.

Adverse operating conditions: Dust storms can damage or impede the use of farm equipment and make it unsafe for agricultural workers to be in the fields. Chemical drift: Wind can cause pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and various other agriculture chemicals to become airborne and move far beyond the intended area of application.

This can be especially problematic for farmers trying to decrease chemical overuse on their fields, and for communities that live near farmland where many agrochemicals are applied. Many communities across the United States have been experiencing firsthand the tragic consequences of climate change, including more frequent flooding, longer wildfire seasons, more intense droughts, and coastal erosion due to sea level rise. And climate change is already impacting farming practices, even some that farmers have used for millennia.

In addition, soil erosion can drive climate change. Soil is a vast storage center for carbon dioxide , organic matter, and microbes.

But when soil becomes degraded—as through deforestation and poor farming practices —it can release carbon back into the atmosphere. The loss of healthy soil—by wind and water erosion, poor management, wildfire, or other means—represents the loss of one major tool we have to fight climate change. Soil erosion is essentially a battle between two forces: flowing water or wind versus the gravity that holds soil in place.

The ability of soil to stay put relies on how well we work to eliminate or minimize the erosive forces and maximize soil stability. Below are some common strategies for effective erosion control, many of which are part of the philosophy of regenerative agriculture. Cover cropping is a centuries-old farming practice that can help boost soil health and protect soil from erosion forces.

The primary function is to protect the soil by keeping it on the ground and maintaining living roots in the soil. But cover crops have a number of additional benefits. They provide nutrients to the soil, reducing the amount of artificial and costly inputs a farmer would otherwise need to add.

They increase biodiversity and reduce bacterial and fungal diseases that could harm soil health. Common types of cover crops include legumes, grasses, buckwheat, brassicas, and rye—some of which can provide an additional revenue stream for farmers and ranchers.

While cover crops are slowly becoming more popular , they currently account for less than 5 percent of cropland in the United States. The next time you are out walking or driving, take a moment to appreciate the soil. A tribal-led plan to build a meat-processing facility on the Blackfeet Nation reservation in Montana will help invigorate the local economy, safeguard cultural traditions, and protect community health and the environment. Food insecurity, biodiversity collapse, and skyrocketing global temps loom.

But a new U. Carbon farming, an agricultural movement taking root in Northern California, aims to improve the soil and help stabilize the climate. Cover crops, an age-old farming strategy, can help boost soil health, protect water sources, and create fields that are more resilient to climate change.

Solar farmers get a hand from regenerative agriculture experts to feed the soil under their arrays—another powerful tool to help fight climate change. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials. Types of Soil Degradation. Cambodia's Environmental Problems. How to Prevent Land Pollution. Solutions for Soil Pollution. Erosion Effects on Ecosystem. The Effects of Cyclones on the Environment. Negative Effects of Clear-Cutting.

Negative Effects of Pollution. Effects of Soil Erosion on the Ecosystem. Gully erosion may develop in locations where rill erosion has not been managed. Natural streams and constructed drainage channels act as outlets for surface water runoff and subsurface drainage systems. Bank erosion is the progressive undercutting, scouring and slumping of these drainageways Figure 6.

Poor construction practices, inadequate maintenance, uncontrolled livestock access and cropping too close can all lead to bank erosion problems. Figure 6. Bank erosion involves the undercutting and scouring of natural stream and drainage channel banks. Poorly constructed tile outlets also contribute to bank erosion.

Some do not function properly because they have no rigid outlet pipe, have an inadequate splash pad or no splash pad at all, or have outlet pipes that have been damaged by erosion, machinery or bank cave-ins.

The direct damages from bank erosion include loss of productive farmland, undermining of structures such as bridges, increased need to clean out and maintain drainage channels and washing out of lanes, roads and fence rows. The implications of soil erosion by water extend beyond the removal of valuable topsoil. Crop emergence, growth and yield are directly affected by the loss of natural nutrients and applied fertilizers. Seeds and plants can be disturbed or completely removed by the erosion.

Organic matter from the soil, residues and any applied manure, is relatively lightweight and can be readily transported off the field, particularly during spring thaw conditions. Pesticides may also be carried off the site with the eroded soil. Soil quality, structure, stability and texture can be affected by the loss of soil.

The breakdown of aggregates and the removal of smaller particles or entire layers of soil or organic matter can weaken the structure and even change the texture. Textural changes can in turn affect the water-holding capacity of the soil, making it more susceptible to extreme conditions such as drought. The off-site impacts of soil erosion by water are not always as apparent as the on-site effects.

Eroded soil, deposited down slope, inhibits or delays the emergence of seeds, buries small seedlings and necessitates replanting in the affected areas. Also, sediment can accumulate on down-slope properties and contribute to road damage. Sediment that reaches streams or watercourses can accelerate bank erosion, obstruct stream and drainage channels, fill in reservoirs, damage fish habitat and degrade downstream water quality.

Pesticides and fertilizers, frequently transported along with the eroding soil, contaminate or pollute downstream water sources, wetlands and lakes. Because of the potential seriousness of some of the off-site impacts, the control of "non-point" pollution from agricultural land is an important consideration.

Wind erosion occurs in susceptible areas of Ontario but represents a small percentage of land — mainly sandy and organic or muck soils. Under the right conditions it can cause major losses of soil and property Figure 7. Figure 7. Wind erosion can be severe on long, unsheltered, smooth soil surfaces. Soil particles move in three ways, depending on soil particle size and wind strength — suspension, saltation and surface creep.

The rate and magnitude of soil erosion by wind is controlled by the following factors:. Very fine soil particles are carried high into the air by the wind and transported great distances suspension.

Fine-to-medium size soil particles are lifted a short distance into the air and drop back to the soil surface, damaging crops and dislodging more soil saltation.

Larger-sized soil particles that are too large to be lifted off the ground are dislodged by the wind and roll along the soil surface surface creep. The abrasion that results from windblown particles breaks down stable surface aggregates and further increases the soil erodibility.

Soil surfaces that are not rough offer little resistance to the wind. However, ridges left from tillage can dry out more quickly in a wind event, resulting in more loose, dry soil available to blow.

Over time, soil surfaces become filled in, and the roughness is broken down by abrasion. This results in a smoother surface susceptible to the wind.

Excess tillage can contribute to soil structure breakdown and increased erosion. The speed and duration of the wind have a direct relationship to the extent of soil erosion. Soil moisture levels are very low at the surface of excessively drained soils or during periods of drought, thus releasing the particles for transport by wind.

This effect also occurs in freeze-drying of the soil surface during winter months. Accumulation of soil on the leeward side of barriers such as fence rows, trees or buildings, or snow cover that has a brown colour during winter are indicators of wind erosion.


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