The Caul. Posts Latest Activity. Page of 7. Filtered by:. The Caul , PM. What is it? Tags: None. Originally posted by Colognian View Post. Last edited by glamourweaver ; , PM. Check out my expansion to the Realm of Brass and Shadow. Comment Cancel Post.
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Popular Games. Recommended Games. New Comment. Discussion Board 1. Memes Board All rights reserved. Back to the Top. Colony 9 and Tephra Cave. Problem shared is problem halved! Lupa, Archaeology Centre, 10 P. Modamo, 5F, 10 P. Pepa, tunnel near Chief's Residence, 10 A. Pachipa, Archaeology Centre, 12 P. Pipiki and Kuriku say it is lie! Please get Mythical Empress! Cherri won't open her heart to me, though.
Could you find something that will help me get through to her? From dawn to dusk -Give the Filtered Water to Cherri. Kilaki make sure of it! First, Kilaki need to get stronger than super-strong! Help Kilaki find something to make her strong! Around Bridge 2 -Go see Kilaki. Leku, 5F, 10 A. Now she wants to beat monster!
This your fault! You go kill monster! No disappoint Leku! Go through the gate and down the tunnel -Go see Leku. Reward: G, Exp, Panther Gloves. You choose wife for him! Choose carefully though They both seem to have a thing for Leku! Pepa is in the tunnel near Chief's Residence, 10 A. Klanis Apis, area connected by Bridges 2 and 3, clear -Go see Lupa. Except Lizards! They scary!
Got in way of me training Kilaki to become great fighter! Go get them! I always think of village and Nopon happiness. That why my request most important. Pollen Works, 10 A. Tati want music in his life! Collect noisy things for Tati. If Tati have things that hum, he can create beautiful harmonies with his voice!
If Tati have things that rumble, he can create beautiful harmonies with his voice! Dobadoba want to pass on his way of life. Friends have to choose Gadada or Cherri!
The choice you make will determine which of two possible quests you can receive in the future. Defeat it and let the Nopon wash in safety. On a hot day You'll know if it's hot if the birds in the background noise stop chirping Make the environment hot, then travel the path from Twisted Tree Gate towards Nopon Arch. You'll run into the monster fairly quickly. Eliminate the difficult enemies to help the residents feel at ease.
South from the ether deposit. Collect items for him to make his Colony 6 specialty. The brothers' feud can finally come to an end. Find a Red Pollen Orb that Zukazu can eat to assure his victory. The brothers' feud will finally come to an end. If you told Dionysis 'He's too old for that girl' - Jan feels that challenges are good for building up a young person's character. Clear Jan's challenge by defeating the monster. The lieutenant colonel qualification test is about to start!
It's not looking good for Emmy Leater though Help her out! She needs a sword or a shield. Find a Nopon Claymore or a Carbo Shield. But there is one problem. Help him find a compromise with his grandmother who is less than friendly to him. Agora Shore -Talk to Marcia. To the north of the shop, Ether Light, 10 A.
Help him make a room fit for a Nopon. Betty has become jealous since Desiree became a student of Kenny Rohan. Help make a present that should bring the two back together again. Betty wants to give Desiree a cute piece of armour to congratulate her on her new job.
Collect the materials she needs to make it. Must use Sharla During my days as a Nopon Merchant, an evil monster took something I can never get back.
I must avenge my sisterpon, Cherri's mamapon! Nopon Sage can do anything! Need offering to take to Nopon Sage to see him though! Ababa like spicy things! Bet he won't like to eat sour things! This will stop him eating bugs. Supply Road, night -Have Ababa drink it and see what he thinks. Ababa, east-most section of B1F, 10 P. Nopon Sage only usually see children, but Pipiki sure he let Heropon and friends see him!
Ledge north of Divine Sanctuary, 12 P. Sacred Altar, 10 A. Archaeology Centre, 12 P. Go to a dangerous place and demonstrate your courage. It's in the water just before the waterfall -Return to the Nopon Sage.
Timed Lecrough was going to accompany his friend to defeat a monster, but was assigned to another mission. Go and complete it for him. Timed A guard has been forced to take on a quest he will never be able to complete. Help him out by completing it for him. Timed A resident doesn't have enough materials to make his favourite musical instrument.
Collect the materials for him. Timed A resident wants help with her monster ecology research. Timed Find some bugs for a hopeful youth. For a few hours immediately after hatching, this bug will shine gold.
Timed A resident wants to make a costume. Help her by collecting something exciting to start it off. Terra Orluga, southeast of Twisted Tree Gate. Merisa, north part of upper walkway around city, 10 A. Timed - Merisa's son Mir'leiz went to train at Eryth sea. It's very dangerous there, so she wants you to find him and bring him back. Timed -- You have been asked to defeat some monsters to improve the security of Alcamoth. Timed -- You have been asked to defeat a monster to improve the security of Alcamoth.
Swim to the west shore of Hode Refuge, then climb the wall. Timed The girls' stomach pains wouldn't be so bad if she had some nutritious food. Collect some collection items for her. He can't leave his daughter's side, so find his son for him. Timed When Vol'aren had his back turned, his daughter went missing.
He can't leave his son unsupervised, so go and find his daughter for him. Timed A friend's mother is feeling down and a resident is very worried. Collect some collectables for her. Timed A resident's beloved pillow is worn out. Collect some collectables for him. Timed A guard wants to make a doll for his child who he doesn't see much. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough clothes material. Collect some for the guard. Timed Popipo's son hates to be outside lately.
Talk to him, work out what the problem is and find a way of getting him to enjoy the outdoors. By Main Entrance, 10 A.
Timed A resident wants to make a present to thank his co-workers for covering for him, but he doesn't have enough materials. Collect what he needs. Timed Zain and his friend need water that won't freeze on their trip.
But there is no waterfall nearby. Go to the other waterfalls in the world and collect water. East and slightly south of island near Makna Falls -Return to Zain. Timed Kurralth has lost a container of cream which is necessary for travelling in cold climates. He dropped it near an ether deposit at Eryth Sea. Timed A resident has dropped a gift that a merchant friend gave him.
Find the precious item and return it to him. Back wall beneath the central escalator, GF. Timed When a resident was talking a walk, she saw a terrifying monster. It should be killed before it harms anyone. Use the tunnel north of High Entia Tomb. Timed Nelo wants to go drinking with his friends but gets drunk very easily. Get him the ingredients for some medicine that will make him want to drink less. Latael Shore -Return to Nelo. Timed When the Nopon was moving house, he lost a very special charm that could never be replaced.
Find it for the poor child. North of heart-to- heart spot on GF. Scarlen, by central escalator, GF, 10 P. Timed Scarlen likes two girls called Rozeal and Ricoth. He wants you to find out how they feel about him. By north-most escalator, GF, 10 P. By Ricoth -Return to Scarlen. Timed Arielle's daughter has suddenly decided she hates other races. Arielle wants you to find out why. Talk to Lesunia and find out what happened. Timed - A group of workers has been attacked by an unknown monster.
It would be dangerous to let it go. Find it and defeat it. Only at night By transporter to Ether Plant. That in return will determine which of two possible quests you'll be able to receive in the future. Other than a difference in which gem you'll be awarded, both quests are essentially identical.
Scarlen still likes both girls but he's not sure which one he likes best. Ask both of the girls what their favorite memory of him is.
Timed While out walking, a resident dropped a keepsake that his mother gave him. He's not sure where he dropped it, but it was very important. Find it for him. North part of upper walkway around city.
Timed - Complete the mission of a resident's boyfriend for him. Only during shooting stars. Timed A resident has lost the ring he planned to give to his girlfriend. Find the very precious item for him.
Timed A team investigating ancient ruins have found some ancient writing. Collect materials to build a deciphering machine. Hovering Reef 3 -Return to Ruthan. Timed A resident has run out of materials necessary to repair a flying machine and will be unable to complete his job at this rate. Timed There are lots of monsters outside according to the guard's family. It will take some time for the guards to come. Help out by clearing some. Timed The monsters are coming from a different source.
Timed There is a monster that breeds very quickly. Timed A guard is suffering from back pain as a result of overexertion. Take care of a subjugation mission in his place, to put his friend's mind at rest. Timed There has been a request from the minister that monsters on Soltnar Seal Island are defeated. Timed There has been a request from a guard that monsters on Soltnar Seal Island are defeated. Clear some so it's safer. There is a particularly terrifying monster that should be exterminated.
Drop through the hole in the middle of the island. Collect some items and materials for her. Timed Defeat Lakebed Orthlus at Colony 9 and obtain Orthlus' Liver. It is sure to be invaluable to Zain and Kurralth on their adventure. Timed -- Scarlen has decided to answer Rozeal's declaration. But Ricoth is always near so he can't do it himself. He wants you to deliver a letter for him instead.
Timed Finally Scarlen has decided to tell Ricoth he likes her. But he doesn't want to approach her while Rozeal is near. Deliver a letter to Ricoth for him.
Timed Elior wants to learn about stars so he can become an adventurer someday. He has asked you to find Miriall, one of the most passionate astronomers in the capital.
By south fountain, Melfica Road, 10 P. Timed Caul has agreed to become Mir'leiz's instructor. However, he doesn't have the teaching materials he needs. Why don't you ask Caul what he is missing? Ledge above north-most escalator, 10 P. Latael Shore -Talk to Caul. Timed Mir'leiz says there has been an unusual increase in monster numbers at Eryth Sea.
Help the Imperial Guards protect Alcamoth. By stairs in Great Hall, 10 A. Latael Shore -Return to Lecrough. Triggered by talking to Lecrough for Brave Actions Timed In addition to Mir'leiz's request, Lecrough has asked you to defeat some extra monsters.
Take care of them before reporting in to Lecrough. Locate his whereabouts. Farm inside the city walls, 10 A. Hoko, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.
For Hoko to beat his rival, he'll need fresh ingredients. Time to gather more ingredients to help him achieve his goal. To meet his demands, bring him the required dish. Area below Nopon Refuge -Report back to Pokapoka. Talonyth, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A. Now he wants your support. Northeast part of Sky Stage -Return to Talonyth.
Northwest-most area of the Watering Hole -Return to Talonyth. Or perhaps Island east of Divine Sanctuary -Hand it to Nopo'rikh. He left Pollen Works. Not like him at all. Cherri worry about him. Use upper walkway, head northeast from village entrance, turn right, keep going until you can turn left, descend to forest floor -Go see Cherri.
Timed I made lots of Red Pollen Orbs for the Nopon. But Gadada was tricked! Gadada never forgive! Gadada need to know why! Reward for completing Secret Mission -Go see Gadada. Timed Secret information from Nopon Merchants says that Dedeba was misusing Red Pollen Orbs!
Dedeba fooled us all! Zazadan, Nopon Refuge -Question the suspicious Nopon. Ask him and obtain some information about the black market. Say 'What happens if it's processed? Say 'Ask where Dedeba is'.
Timed This is a note about a trade going to happen at Bird People city! But wait! We need evidence! Timed We have all evidence we need! Now time to make Dedeba pay! Gadada want revenge! North-most circular room on the back of the upper walkway around the city, night -Find a Secret Club Card. This is the perfect chance-they don't know you're on to them yet! Quickly, find someone who has a card! Nelo, by south-most escalator, GF, 10 P. Help resolve the Ether Plant problem.
Hiding beneath the round platform near the transporter. Timed The accuracy of the deciphering machine is pretty low.
It's not going to be possible to read the writing at this rate. Collect some materials to make improvements. B1F -Return to Naroth. Timed Elior is looking for a smart Nopon to help him improve Miriall's telescope so he can see even more.
Find a clever Nopon to make his dream come true. Near north fountain, Melfica Road, 10 P. Talia has gone to the Satorl ruins alone. She was warned that it was too dangerous but she wouldn't listen. You must go after her! Behind nearby rock. Eliminate the violent enemies to help the residents feel at ease. Defeat 5 Fiery Ignas in the area of the ether planter at the Freight Road. The general area where lower and upper paths meet. The light won't come on.
When darkness falls, monsters will attack. Defend the lighthouse. Only at night On top level of lighthouse -Return to Shalen. Help them by collecting the materials they need to fix it. Barren Moor -Return to the Nopon in charge of bridge repair. Ma'crish, Reconstruction HQ, 10 A. Must use Reyn Ma'crish was a fan of the cuisine Hoko used to make, and can't bear to eat anything else. Get Hoko to whip up a dish in his old style of cooking. Area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.
Area northwest of Mechonis Wound -Report back to Hoko. The answer you give does make a small difference in reward -Report back to Ma'crish. To meet his demands, bring him the odd dish. Nagul Waterfall -Report back to Pokapoka. Which one you do will determine which of two possible future quests will be available to you. I have travelled far and wide to gain knowledge of foreign dentistry techniques.
However, I must show Yusa how long in the tooth he really is! Help me! Search high and low in Makna for them! One is on a small area of shoreline beneath Bridge 2, one is behind a tree in the center of the small area connected by bridges 2 and 3, and one is on the 'knob' north of Pod Landing Site -Go see Lupa.
There big tablet in front of door. Pray real hard at it! Find out what inside and come back and tell me! Lalapa, Chief's Residence, 10 A. But Ashy Orlugas think very convenient too! They like eating Nopons! Village in big trouble! Want something lucky to make sure she lives even longer! Yusa, Underground Store, 10 A. Yusa is doctor who inherited legendary Nopon skill of dentistry.
Yusa wants to help villagers with bad teeth, but my legs hurt. Don't want to lose to Medi! Go get materials! Thank you for helping me! Finally challenge for friends. Find out what inside that tomb! Good luck! Don't forget to open the treasure chest -Go see Lupa. If you completed Let's Make Fillings! That why Kofuko want to eat the most disgusting, revolting food ever.
Let's make bad food! If you completed Medical Advancements Teeth are better and Kofuko can eat tough things. That good, but Kofuko's food taste Kofuko want to eat rich food with strong taste. Yusa's legs hurt very much. He not look after himself properly. Very worrying. Get Dr. Medi to do something, please! By shop, Kyn Shopping Street, 10 P. Underground Store, 10 A. Please make the offering and relieve my pain.
First area leading to a cliff to the south. The old Lesunia didn't used to worry about race. Remind her of Vidian and get the two to be friends again. Only at dawn -Talk to Vidian. Near fountain south of Imperial Palace, 10 P. There has been no communication from the two who went to the ruins on Valak Mountain. Perhaps there was an accident? Go and find them quickly! First land bridge north of Zokhed Pass, day.
Help the Nopon so they can continue their research of Valak Mountain in peace. Mechonis Wound -Return to the researcher. She might have some useful information. Find some things to warm her up. Lava Cave -Return to the collapsed Nopon. Go to areas of Valak Mountain with great views and tell the team your impressions. Pick whichever answer you want, they don't make any difference. Head there and put her out of her misery. Drop in the small hole south of the Guidepost -Return to Gerugu.
Follow her teacher's instructions and help get the medicine ready. Landing on east side of main street, 10 P.
Skirt of west statue, it can be reached by dropping down from the ether deposit on the statue's neck -Hand the ingredient to Mefimefi. Use everyone to convince her to drink it.
Use Dunban -Return to Norara. Now she's in a very bad state. Do something to stop her. Return to Berryjammy. Area south of Glowing Obelisk -Return to Norara.
Berryjammy, alley between main street and farm inside city walls, 10 P. Who will become the undisputed Miss Sweetness of Colony 6? Deliver the required item to Berryjammy. Ma'crish, area north of Reconstruction HQ, 10 A.