Can you swim with a labral tear

I was kindof thinking you would be OK but its hard without all the facts sometimes. Good luck. Thanks for the support.

I would be happy to trade some swim mojo for run mojo. You're lucky! Be disciplined with your PT. Don't push it without the guidance of your PT. I not only have the anterior shoulder labrum tear, but also calcium deposits, 2 bone spurs and low position of the acromion! I have surgery on Tuesday to remove a part of the collar bone and clean up the rotator cuff Doc thinks there is one or more other tears, but won't know until he gets in there and takes a look!

Fortunately, you're moving quickly. I've been dealing with my shoulder since my crash which probably was the cause of the tear in July Hope your physical therapy is extremely affective and your progress is quick! Thanks-- I don't feel so lucky, but I guess I should be thankful for small things! I start PT tomorrow, and hopefully will all go well. It still aches and burns, and I can't externally rotate.

Good luck to you. I posted the story of my surgery in my blog if you want more details. Edited by Ridgelake PM. Thanks for the information. The perception amoung many non-orthopedic surgeons, and even ortho surgeons that are not specialized in shoulder, is that it is a career-ending injury. So far rehab is going well, i am actually in less pain than before. This may be because I haven't swam in a week. How did everyone find going back to swimming after being out of the water for so long?

I am worried about inertia setting in, and losing my swimability. Also, did anyone try to do one-armed swimming before the other shoulder was fixed? I did try this, and it seems to put too much stress on my good shoulder. Another thing, without swimming I guess I would run or bike in the hours that I used to swim 3 mornings a week. But I am concerned about running too much, and getting a running related injury. Any novel, non-weight bearing exercises from the peanut gallery?

I have done elliptical training, and water running 30 minutes only. Poweke, Glad the rehab is going well. Good luck with everything. Good to know. I will definitely look into the book.

I feel that I need to be more careful with my training as I "age"-- I am 35, but I don't want to have another incident like this shoulder. Oh, the inevitable ticking of time and aging of the body! You bet I am teed off. Brings a tear, not of joy, to my eye everytime!

And my sports bra has eroded a permanent fissure beneath my, ah, rack for lack of a word that won't be edited off. I have downloaded a couple of podcasts for running, and these seem to help get the hours in. I will keep everyone updated on the progress-- the old dogma of surgery surgery surgery may not be the new dogma. February, Kassidy Cook Diving.

Accessed August 4. Cook finds all right ingredients in Olympic comeback. USA Today website. June Accessed August 2, Editor's Top Picks. Retrospective information was collected on age, gender, level of swimming, preferred stroke, investigations, diagnosis, subsequent management, and time taken to return to swimming. From this data relevant observations and analyses were made regarding the mechanism of injury, diagnoses, management, and return to swimming times. Fourteen swimmers met the selection criteria with a mean age of 20 range: years.

The group is comprising of nine international athletes, two club level, and three Paralympic swimmers. The predominant stroke of each swimmer was noted with seven swimmers' swimming freestyle, three swimming backstroke, two swimming butterfly, and one swimming breaststroke. Based on clinical examination including Copeland's, Hawkins Kennedy, Neer's sign, and empty can test, four swimmers were diagnosed with subacromial impingement syndrome and three with internal impingement.

The O'Brien's test, Speed's test, Kibler test or anterior slide , and the crank test or compression rotation test were used to diagnose labral injury. Diagnosis of labral injury was confirmed on MR arthrogram imaging and during arthroscopy.

One swimmer was diagnosed with multidirectional joint laxity on the drawer tests and sulcus sign. Scapular control was observed in ten swimmers. Eight of the 14 swimmers had Beighton Scores recorded. Beighton scores for each swimmer are illustrated in Figure 2. All swimmers with impingement signs received conservative treatment, four received physiotherapy alone, and three had intra-articular corticosteroid injections.

As illustrated in Figure 3 , six swimmers had surgery. The sixth swimmer who underwent surgery had anterior instability and had an arthroscopic anterior capsular shrinkage. There was no outcome data for three swimmers, because one had retired before receiving treatment, another retired as a result of the injury, and one did not attend follow-up appointments.

The mean time taken for swimmers who received conservative management inclusive of both physiotherapy and intra-articular injections was 1. A study by Wymore et al.

This study supports this finding, with no clear link between swimming stroke and type of injury, although the majority of the swimmers were freestyle swimmers. Scapular dyskinesias has been associated with an increased likelihood of impingement injuries. The majority of swimmers in this study had good scapula rhythm, with no visible dyskinesis, including those in those with chronic impingement.

The inconsistency in the literature means future research into the role of scapular control in shoulder injuries in swimmers is required. The measurement of joint laxity and its usefulness is another area with contrasting discussion. The systematic review by Gaunt and Maffulli, ,[ 6 ] concluded that joint laxity is a risk factor for injury and warranted further research, and suggested that the Beighton hypermobility grading[ 14 ] is appropriate for this.

There is little in the literature with regard to HAGAL injuries in swimmers, however the HAGL observed in one swimmer was not attributed to the swimming action, instead the injury occurred when the athlete pushed off the swimming pool wall. This swimmer did not respond to nonoperative therapies and required surgical repair. Lay off the upper-body work and use lower-body workouts to maintain fitness.

Ice it. Ice applied to the shoulder for 15 minutes several times a day can help reduce inflammation. An anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen can help with the pain. Start rehabbing. As the pain improves, do some rotator cuff exercises to help strengthen your shoulder.

Here are two. Shoulder Squeeze 1: Lie facedown on an exercise bench. Hold your arms out to your sides parallel to the floor, bent at 90 degrees with your thumbs pointing toward the ceiling.


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