Learn more. Fahey, K. Hibbard, D. Dokken, B. Stewart, and T. Maycock eds. Friedlingstein, P. Global carbon budget Earth System Science Data, 11 4 , — Today, Earth is warming at a much faster rate than it warmed over the 7, years since the last ice age. That means that Earth will get hotter over the course of a few decades rather than over a few thousand years. Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:. Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of parts per million to more than parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late s. It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past.
Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:. Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing. The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
There is a wider variation in temperatures prior to , reflecting the much larger uncertainties in the observational records that far back. There is still a period around and where observations exceed what the model predicts, though the differences are less pronounced than in global temperatures and the divergence is mostly absent in land records.
Volcanic eruptions in the late s and early s stand out sharply in the land record. The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in may have cooled land temperatures by a massive 1. In general, volcanoes appear to cool land temperatures by nearly twice as much as global temperatures.
Carbon Brief used the same model to project future temperature changes associated with each forcing factor. The figure below shows observations up to , along with future post radiative forcings from RCP6. Global mean surface temperatures from Berkeley Earth black dots and modeled influence of different radiative forcings colored lines for the period from to Forcings post taken from RCP6.
When provided with the radiative forcings for the RCP6. Future radiative forcing from CO2 is expected to continue to increase if emissions rise. This reduction in aerosols will enhance overall warming, bringing total warming from all radiative forcing closer to warming from greenhouse gases alone.
The RCP scenarios assume no specific future volcanic eruptions, as the timing of these is unknowable, while solar output continues its year cycle. This approach can also be applied to land temperatures, as shown in the figure below. Here, land temperatures are shown between and , with post forcings also from RCP6. Land mean surface temperatures from Berkeley Earth black dots and modeled influence of different radiative forcings colored lines for the period from to This is seen in the model results, where land warms by around 4C by compared to 3C globally in the RCP6.
There is a wide range of future warming possible from different RCP scenarios and different values for the sensitivity of the climate system , but all show a similar pattern of declining future aerosol emissions and a larger role for greenhouse gas forcing in future temperatures.
While natural forcings from solar and volcanoes do not seem to play much of a role in long-term warming, there is also natural variability associated with ocean cycles and variations in ocean heat uptake. As the vast majority of energy trapped by greenhouse gases is absorbed by the oceans rather than the atmosphere, changes in the rate of ocean heat uptake can potentially have large impacts on the surface temperature. While human factors explain all the long-term warming, there are some specific periods that appear to have warmed or cooled faster than can be explained based on our best estimates of radiative forcing.
For example, the modest mismatch between the radiative forcing-based estimate and observations during the mids might be evidence of a role for natural variability during that period. A number of researchers have examined the potential for natural variability to impact long-term warming trends. They have found that it generally plays a limited role.
But that is a weak argument: you can, of course, never rule out the unknown unknown. The question is whether there is strong, or even any evidence for it. And the answer is no, in my view.
Models get the short-term temperature variability approximately right. In many cases, they even have too much. But the forced response pretty much explains the observations, so there is no evidence from the 20th century that we are missing something…. Similarly, Dr Martin Stolpe and colleagues, also at IAC, recently analysed the role of multidecadal natural variability in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Internal variability is likely to have a much larger role in regional temperatures. For example, in producing unusually warm periods in the Arctic and the US in the s. However, its role in influencing long-term changes in global surface temperatures appears to be limited. The global warming witnessed over the past years matches nearly perfectly what is expected from greenhouse gas emissions and other human activity, both in the simple model examined here and in more complex climate models.
Some uncertainty remains due to the role of natural variability, but researchers suggest that ocean fluctuations and similar factors are unlikely to be the cause of more than a small fraction of modern global warming. The simple statistical model used in this article is adapted from the Global Warming Index published by Haustein et al In turn, it is based on the Otto et al model.
The model estimates contributions to observed climate change and removes the impact of natural year-to-year fluctuations by a multiple linear regression of observed temperatures and estimated responses to total human-induced and total natural drivers of climate change.