How does pfohl define deviance

Pfohl employs a social-historical perspective to describe and analyze the theory, methods, and control policies associated with nine major ways of conceiving deviant behavior. The theoretical perspectives examined span a wide variety of religious, legal, medical, psychological, social, economic, and political concerns. Throughout, attention is drawn to the ways that both images of deviance and strategies of social control are shaped by powerful social forces located at the historical intersections of gender, race, and class.

In addition, references to literature, film, music, and painting are integrated to show parallels between images of deviance produced by scientists and those produced by artists. It is well-written, clear, scholarly, focussed, and well priced. Thank you for reissuing it. You have done a great service to the subfield of deviance. It also makes major use of the critical including the postmodernist perspective in its analysis.

Your pricing is an important improvement as well. The frameworks as described by Pfohl are of great use to students in applying theories to contemporary contexts. All rights reserved. Outsiders: Studies in the sociology of deviance. New York: Free Press. Cohen, S. Folk devils and moral panics: The creation of mods and rockers.

New York: St. Erikson, K. Wayward puritans. New York: Wiley. Goffman, E. Stigma, notes on the management of spoiled identity. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Goode, E. Moral panics: The social construction of deviance. Cambridge: Blackwell. Hendershott, A. The politics of deviance. San Francisco: Encounter. Henry, S. Social deviance. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pfohl, S.


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