The changes in VO2 max correspond with changes in stroke volume of the heart, indicating a close link between the two. More and more, we are seeing people including HIIT high-intensity interval training in their weekly exercise routines. If your VO2 max genetic trainability is low, then doing HIIT will help condition your body to use oxygen more efficiently. You'll also find that you'll become more economical in the way that you train. Rather, knowing you have a low genetic trainability makes you aware of training smarter, for better results.
You can do both cardio and strength training anaerobically. The only stumbling block is that anaerobic exercise is very difficult. It requires you to push yourself beyond your limits for a short period of time. VO2 max can sometimes be calculated in absolute terms - which is the amount of oxygen the body can use. Therefore, an athlete can end up with a value for VO2 max of 5.
The better way to express VO2 max, is in terms of body weight. Dividing by body weight lets you scale the absolute value to the weight of the athlete. This can be used to compare athletes' VO2 max values relatively, to their body weight. While your VO2 max score can change, your VO2 max genetic potential trainability doesn't change.
Understanding your VO2 max trainability allows you to optimise your workout to work with your genes, instead of against them. As with every gene included in DNAFit's DNA test , we wouldn't include this result unless you could make relevant lifestyle adaptations too.
Your VO2 max occurs when oxygen consumption redlines—this usually happens at a speed slightly faster than 5k race pace. After doing math involving rate of oxygen consumption during the test and your body weight, a physiologist determines a number expressing oxygen consumption when running your hardest.
Knowing your VO2 max and your velocity at VO 2max is only important if your training plan demands it. Unfortunately, after a certain point, VO2 max loses its value as a performance indicator. Highly-trained individuals may drop a few points, even if they are training faster than ever!
You are much better training to the specifics of your race distance and demands versus a single, calculated variable. Outside of this, VO2 max is a nice measurement for scientific research, as it can be used to identify and isolate improvement from training. Individuals with a healthy VO2 max are more likely to experience promising health benefits such as: increased lifespan, reduced risk for stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
On the contrary, in a study , published by Susan Lakoski and colleagues in JAMA Oncology, individuals with low VO2 max scores were shown to be at greater risk of heart disease, and specific types of cancer,. The study tracked almost 14, men over a period of 38 years to determine the correlation between aerobic fitness and serious health complications. We all know endurance is an excellent preventative measure of cardiovascular disease and underlying illness.
We also understand its significant role in mental health as well. While the first portion of 5k training will focus on building aerobic endurance, think of this phase as building the foundation of a house. Looking for more information and workouts for training for a 5k? Check out our 5k Specific Training post. Or, how about our Base Training for 5k and 10k post? In the 10k and half marathon, you should have a VO2 max workout scheduled every weeks to keep the system in check and support other energy systems aerobic development and threshold training.
We have a great article on Specific Training for the 10k here, and a 6 week 10k specific training plan for applying the adaptation principle. You can also take a glance into the 10k training of an elite runner or half marathon specific training.
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how much you like lung-busting interval workouts , VO2max is not a big component of marathon training.
However, It is still useful and important to include some VO2 max workouts and speed work in your training plan every weeks to help your form and efficiency. Make sure you check out the best marathon workout. Now that you understand what VO2 max is and how it influences performance and health, how will you implement it? If your goal is to run a faster 5k, VO2 max training will serve to directly influence your speed and strength..
If your goal is to run a Marathon PB, you may want to include VO2 max workouts to support the heavy aerobic demanding work you do. Ultimately, VO2 max is just one of the many components of successful endurance training. It can be a helpful representation of aerobic conditioning, but it comes with its limitations.
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The number of enzymes is also important since enzymes, through their effect on chemical reactions, control metabolism. Oxygen extraction is reflected by the difference in the amount of oxygen going to the muscles through the arterial circulation and the amount coming out through the venous circulation a-v O2 difference.
The a-v O2 difference is determined by the convection of oxygen through the muscle capillaries and its diffusion from the capillaries to the mitochondria. More Running Articles. Look for this banner for recommended activities. Cancel Yes. Join Active or Sign In. All rights reserved. Go Premium. Need Help?
Learn More Customer Login. Christopher Minson has previously received funding from the National Institutes of Health. I was too old, too far past my prime years. So what happened? Although there have been numerous examples of Olympians competing, and sometimes winning medals, over the age of 50 , the vast majority of these come from sports requiring exceptional skill and less aerobic or anaerobic power, such as the shooting events, sailing, equestrian and fencing.
Dara Torres, at the age of 41 in , is the oldest swimmer to compete in the history of the Olympics, missing the gold medal in the meter freestyle by hundredths of a second. But these examples are the exceptions, not the rule. The maximal ability to utilize oxygen VO2max is a predictor of endurance performance across ages. VO2max is a numerical value that describes how much oxygen your body can use per kilogram of body weight.