How long has desalination been used

There are ecological impacts as well. It takes two gallons of sea water to make a gallon of fresh water, which means the gallon left behind is briny. It is disposed of by returning it to the ocean and — if not done properly by diffusing it over large areas — can deplete the ocean of oxygen and have negative impacts on sea life. A study by the UN Institute for Water, Environment and Health published earlier this year contends that the problem of brine waste has been underestimated by 50 percent and that, when mixed with the chemicals meant to keep systems from fouling, the brine is toxic and causes serious pollution.

Another problem comes from the sucking in of sea water for processing. When a fish or other large organism gets stuck on the intake screen, it dies or is injured; in addition, fish larvae, eggs and plankton get sucked into the system and are killed. And we just got a new intake permitted which will lessen the impacts. The Tuas Desalination Plant in Singapore, which opened in , can produce 30 million gallons of fresh water a day.

Associated Press. In , California passed the Desalination Amendment , which tightened regulations for intake and brine disposal.

Proponents of desalination contend the changes have been onerous and are slowing the march toward a de-sal future. Because of the cost of seawater processing and the impacts on the ocean, much of the recent desalination growth has involved the use of brackish water.

The solids in brackish water are one-tenth the amount in ocean water, and that makes the process much cheaper. Arizona, perpetually short on water and facing a Colorado River supply shortage, is looking at both a seawater de-sal plant in partnership with Mexico — which has the ocean access that the state lacks — and at plants that can treat the million acre-feet of brackish water deposits the state estimates it has.

Texas, meanwhile, now has 49 municipal desal plants that process brackish water, both surface and subsurface. San Antonio currently is building what will be the largest brackish water desal plant in the country. In its first phase, it produces 12 million gallons a day, enough for 40, families, but by , the plant — known as H2Oaks — will produce 30 million gallons a day.

Correction, July 8, An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that a desalination plant is being built in Huntington, California. It is being built in Huntington Beach, California. By Jacques Leslie. By Jon Hurdle. Search Search. Many arid areas simply do not have freshwater resources in the form of surface water such as rivers and lakes.

They may have only limited underground water resources , some that are becoming more brackish as extraction of water from the aquifers continues. Solar desalination evaporation is used by nature to produce rain , which is the main source of freshwater on earth. Another way saline water is desalinized is by the "reverse osmosis" procedure. In most simplistic terms, water, containing dissolved salt molecules, is forced through a semipermiable membrane essentially a filter , in which the larger salt molecules do not get through the membrane holes but the smaller water molecules do.

Reverse osmosis is an effective means to desalinate saline water, but it is more expensive than other methods. As prices come down in the future the use of reverse osmosis plants to desalinate large amounts of saline water should become more common. Distillation desalination is one of mankind's earliest forms of water treatment, and it is still a popular treatment solution throughout the world today.

In ancient times, many civilizations used this process on their ships to convert sea water into drinking water. Today, desalination plants are used to convert sea water to drinking water on ships and in many arid regions of the world, and to treat water in other areas that is fouled by natural and unnatural contaminants. Distillation is perhaps the one water treatment technology that most completely reduces the widest range of drinking water contaminants.

In nature, this basic process is responsible for the water hydrologic cycle. The sun supplies energy that causes water to evaporate from surface sources such as lakes, oceans, and streams. The water vapor eventually comes in contact with cooler air, where it re-condenses to form dew or rain.

This process can be imitated artificially and more rapidly than in nature, using alternative sources of heating and cooling. Remember looking at the picture at the top of this page of a floating solar still? The same process that drives that device can also be applied if you find yourself in the desert in need of a drink of water.

The low-tech approach to accomplish this is to construct a "solar still" which uses heat from the sun to run a distillation process to cause dew to form on something like plastic sheeting.

The diagram to the right illustrates this. Using seawater or plant material in the body of the distiller creates humid air, which, because of the enclosure created by the plastic sheet, is warmed by the sun. The humid air condenses water droplets on the underside of the plastic sheet, and because of surface tension , the water drops stick to the sheet and move downward into a trough, from which it can be consumed.

Water is everywhere, which is fortunate for all of humanity, as water is essential for life. Even though water is not always available in the needed quantity and quality for all people everywhere, people have learned to get and use water for all of their water needs, from drinking, cleaning, irrigating crops, producing electricity, and for just having fun.

Surface tension in water might be good at performing tricks, such as being able to float a paper clip on its surface, but surface tension performs many more duties that are vitally important to the environment and people. Find out all about surface tension and water here. Do you wear contact lenses? If so, you most likely use a saline water solution to clean them. But what else do we use saline water for and do we really use that much?

Read on to learn all about the use of saline water. In your everyday life you are not involved much with saline water. You are concerned with freshwater to serve your life's every need.

But, most of Earth's water, and almost all of the water that people can access, is saline, or salty water. This paper uses chemical and physical data from a large U. Geological Surveygroundwater dataset with wells in the U.

The leading process for desalination in terms of installed capacity and yearly growth is reverse osmosis RO Fritzmann and others, However, the first large-scale modern desalination process to appear was multi-stage flash distillation MSF during the midth century in the USA Furthermore, although multi-effect distillation MED had been discovered and had the potential to be more efficient than MSF, it took a while longer to make the MED process efficient on an industrial scale and this did not occur until when the first MED plant was constructed in Aruba.

The following year, the first synthetic and functional reverse osmosis membrane was produced at the University of California, made from cellulose acetate. This membrane was capable of blocking the salts while allowing water to pass through it at a reasonable rate of flow under high pressure. In reverse osmosis , pressure is the driving force in the separation process and the hydraulic pressure must exceed the osmotic pressure of the water to be desalinated.

This invention marked the start of a race in membrane desalination technologies and the first commercial desalination plant using reverse osmosis was inaugurated in California in at the Coalinga desalination plant , used for brackish water. It took a further nine years for the first sea water reverse osmosis desalination plant to come into operation, in in Bermuda. In Spain, the first desalination plant was constructed in Lanzarote in Thermal desalination and membrane desalination have evolved side-by-side from these early advances in search of greater energy efficiency and lower costs based on technological advances, economies of scale and optimization of the different desalination processes used.

The key to energy efficiency in desalination is the estimated thermodynamic limit for desalinating water. This depends on the physio-chemical characteristics of the water being treated, the recovery percentage of the process and the salinity of the water. Your email address will not be published. Abengoa ensures the confidentiality of the information provided by you through this form and with the purpose solely and exclusively of answering your questions or suggestions.

Abengoa guarantees that this information will not be provided to third parties in any case. Abengoa S. Desalination has experienced a reduction in costs in recent years, not only due to the improvements Dispatchability is still the Achilles heel of energy obtained from intermittent renewable sources


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