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Forum FAQ. Page 1 of 2. Previous topic Next topic. Subtly is two syllables, just as is ably. Any word ending in -le has the same number of syllables as its adverbial form, which ends in -ly. Grillick wrote: The problem with your "common sense" is that not only is common sense not all that common, it's typically wrong. Common sense is what tells you the Earth is flat.
Gatekeeper of Niftiness. Member of the Fraternal Order of the Emergency Pants. Steave wrote: Also Subtly is two syllables around these parts generally pronounce Su b T'ly where the b is soft or silent and the T' is emphasised but still part of the second syllable. The sound of the b should be very Dodger77 wrote: So I'm not the only one who pronounces the 'b'?
Grillick wrote: Dodger77 wrote: So I'm not the only one who pronounces the 'b'? Other words that suffer from similar fates: Indict In-dite Interdict only mispronounced by people who learned "indict" first [like me] I guess you could say that. I'm not really a voracious reader though. However I do remember my brother correcting my pronunciation on a lot of words character's names, mostly. He taught me how to pronounce Hermione. Grillick wrote: This is common for someone who derived most of his vocabulary from reading without much actual use of it in speech until much later.
Other words that suffer from similar fates: Indict In-dite Interdict only mispronounced by people who learned "indict" first [like me] So, just to clarify, I'm correct in pronouncing the 'c' in 'interdict', but it's wrong in 'indict'?
I think I'll stick with it anyway - indite's a far less fancy and legalistic sounding word to me. I must have heard indict on TV, because I say the 'i' like 'eye', Still think I'm used to hearing a subtle 'c' in there though. AxelFendersson wrote: I was leaning towards three at first, but after muttering the word repeatedly to myself, I'd say Grillick's right on this one. You can see these in table , garden and schism - all of which in certain dialects have a syllable with nothing but the consonant In some dialects there's a schwa in that last syllable, so its not universal throughout the Englishes of the world.
Even the absolute rule in english of all syllables surrounding a vowel is not hard and fast, it seems. The syllables in the word are bur-nol. The word prophets has two syllables. The syllables of the word are pro-phets. There are two syllables in the word Easter.
The syllables of the word are Ea-ster. The word mitten has two syllables. The syllables in the word are mit-ten. The word tycoon has two syllables. The syllables in the word are ty-coon. The word anyone has three syllables. The syllables in the word are an-y-one.
There are three syllables in the word candlestick. The syllables of the word are can-dle-stick. There are two syllables in the word concern. The syllables of the word are con-cern. The word Guiana has three syllables. The syllables in the word are Gui-a-na.
The word managed has two syllables. The syllables in the word are man-aged. The word pilot has two syllables. The syllables in the word are pi-lot. The word unwrap has two syllables. The syllables in the word are un-wrap. There are two syllables in the word woman. The syllables of the word are wo-man. There are two syllables in the word grasses. The syllables in the word are gras-ses. There are two syllables in the word tidbit. The syllables in the word are tid-bit.
There are two syllables in the word giant. The syllables in the word are gi-ant. The word special has two syllables. The syllables in the word are spe-cial. Log in. Did we divide the syllables correctly?
Do regional variations in the pronunciation of arrival effect the syllable count? Has language changed? Provide your comments or thoughts on the syllable count for arrival below. A comprehensive resource for finding syllables in arrival, how many syllables are in arrival, words that rhyme with arrival, how to divide arrival into syllables, how to pronounce arrival in US and British English, how to break arrival into syllables. Syllable Count What's a Syllable?
Words: arris , arrises , arrival , arrivals , arrive. Synonyms and Words Related to Arrival arrivals 3 syllables , arriver 3 Syllables , comer 2 Syllables , reaching 2 Syllables accomplishment 4 syllables , achievement 3 syllables , advent 2 syllables , appearance 3 syllables , arriver 3 syllables , attainment 3 syllables , comer 2 syllables , dawn 1 syllables , do 1 syllables , emigrant 3 syllables , entrance 2 syllables , entrant 2 syllables , entry 2 syllables , foreigner 3 syllables , immigrant 3 syllables ,.