How old is acupuncture

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Acupuncture: an introduction. O'Connor A. Wrist acupuncture reduces incidence of post-op nausea and vomiting. Dimond EG. Acupuncture anesthesia.

Western medicine and Chinese traditional medicine. J Am Med Assoc ; : — Marwick C. Acceptance of some acupuncture applications. J Am Med Assoc ; : —7. Mann F. Reinventing acupuncture. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, Ulett G.

Beyond Yin and Yang: how acupuncture really works. St Louis: Warren H Green, The myofascial genesis of pain. Postgrad Med ; 11 : — Trigger points and acupuncture points for pain: correlations and implications.

Pain ; 3 : 3 — Is acupuncture effective for the treatment of chronic pain? A systematic review. Pain ; 86 : — Ernst E, White AR, eds. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search.

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Permissions Icon Permissions. Open in new tab Download slide. Acupunct Med. Archaeological excavations have found records of the shamanistic use of divination dating from the time of Shang dynasty. Invention of acupuncture and moxibustion originated during clan commune period of the primitive society. The activities of human beings appeared in China about 1,, years ago. It was about , years ago that China entered the clan commune period which lasted till 4, years ago.

In the ancient literature there were many legends about the origin of acupuncture and moxibustion such as Fu Xi's?? Yellow Emperor invention of acupuncture and moxibustion. However those two legends actually represent the clan commune of primitive society effort to explain acupuncture and moxibustion and to rise it on cultural pedestal [2]. Originally shamans had two ways to communicate with divine ancestors: in mystical practice, involving dances and trances; and the second is the method of the oracle bones, a rational way.

It is clear that the origins of Chinese Medicine extend far into the past and lie firmly rooted somewhere in the midst of their shamanistic beliefs and practices [3]. Archaeological evidence testifies to the ancient use of acupuncture. Excavations from the Stone Age reveal that cattle bones - and, later, turtle shells - were used for medical practice as well. Medical advice was among the more prominent requests made of diviners.

During the Shang dynasty the Chinese pictographic writing system is invented. Early character writing has developed out of the need to diagnose sickness and disease Figure 4. Figure 4: The Daoyintu. Oracle bones are pieces of bone and turtle shells that were used to divine the future for members of the royal household.

It is known as scapulimancy, and it had purpose for the ruling class to seek spiritual guidance in affairs of house and the state [4]. Method of using of oracle bones: a question was carved into the oracle bone and then bone was heated via the insertion of hot metal rods into holes carved in the back of it. Result of this action produced a series of cracks on the bone. Finally cracks would be interpreted by the shaman in order to answer to the question at hand. These oracles were used as an attempt to determine the outcome of illnesses and the sacrifices necessary to bring about recovery.

Sacrifice was believed to be a way of sharing divine powers and ensuring longevity. Many of the pictographs and ideographs represent disease names and symptoms. Other characters indicate early classifications of diseases by their location on the body Figure 5.

Analysis of the cracks allowed the shaman to diagnose and treat the disease. Figure 5: Ideograms of wu? Toothache, headache, bloated abdomen and leg pains were only different symptoms of the same disease. The shaman was often called upon by the community to perform a psychodrama, make sacrifices to Shang Di?? Chinese Medicine and particularly acupuncture originated from the exorcist practices of the early shamans. Several important concepts related to Chinese Medicine also appear to have emerged and developed during the time of the Shang, such as a primitive understanding of the pulse, blood and other body fluids [7].

Additionally, the formation of the theoretical thinking of Yin Yang and the Five Elements can be traced back to this period, and the concept of the dual soul was also developed.

Every living human has both the Po? Primary understanding of Shen? Shen is the emotional, mental, supernatural and spiritual aspect of a human being, whereas Jing, translated as nutritive essence, sperm or seed is held to be responsible for growth, reproduction, development, sexual maturation and pregnancy.

Qi is a Chinese character which represents that unknowable aspect of the universe [9]. It has function to make things grow and transform - inter-transforms into all things - and, its early meanings seem to have been something along the lines of vitality, vapor, mist, or clouds.

The meaning of Qi has changed in many ways since those early days of the Shang dynasty. From all the above, we can clearly summarize that we can trace the origins of Chinese Medicine back to the past of shamanistic beliefs and practices.

China, standard theory of acupuncture had its origins early in the Late Stone Age the Neolithic Age, c. In most acupuncture textbooks, acupuncture is described as the use of needles to penetrate and stimulate specific points on the body in order to restore normal function and energetic balance. This concept is very superficial, expressing merely the form of acupuncture and not its essence.

Challenging the Neolithic origins theory. Authors: Bai Xinghua and R. Date: Feb. Publisher: The Journal of Chinese Medicine. Document Type: Article. Length: 4, words. Lexile Measure: L. Translate Article. Set Interface Language.


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