User Info: Deathdragonxxx1. Taggart is through a hallway on the where all the Crazies are at. It kind of looks like a catwalk by a bunch of rockets. He is in the middle door on the 2nd set of stairs.
Sarif is located at the bottom of the missile silo, so if you have Icarus landing you can jump from the catwalk area down the tube. If you do not have Icarus landing then you can take the elevator at the end of the catwalk missile silo area on the 2nd floor right before you turn left to go up the path to get to the next area that leads you to the Hydron fight.
Go straight instead and there will be an elevator. Go down that elevator to explore that area and Sarif will be there. User Info: TheGame Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. During the final mission, you will be able to rescue Taggert server room and Sarif machine room.
Hugh Darrow's ending transmission as well as Jensen's are both available by default. Taggart will be found in a the section of Panchaea past the lockdown door, on the top-most level. Locate the two large rooms on the top-most floor of the post-lockdown Panchaea map, and hack or Wall Punch into the room to speak with Bill Taggart for his ending transmission you decide after the final boss fight. Sarif will be on the lowest level of Panchaea past the lockdown door. He and his party will be in the machine room in the southern edge of the map.
The best covert approach is to crash straight down the missile silo and sneak past the frenzied augmented humans to the vent shaft which leads directly to Sarif.
Jensen begins on a helicopter deck outside the main entrance to Panchaea ; there are no enemies in this area. Exploring the deck reveals several open shipping containers holding weapons, ammunition and beer. Some containers are only accessible with the Jump Enhancement augmentation.
It also allows for quick entry to the building via a pipe, accessible from on top of the left containers. The main entrance to the hangar is barricaded from the inside, so if you do not have the Jump Enhancement, take a ladder down into the tunnels below the deck.
The tunnels are flooded with electrified water. While it is possible to get through by walking across elevated pipes, the Dermal Armor's EMP Shielding augmentation is highly recommended. There are also several mines along the way.
Getting through the tunnels leads to a large empty hangar. From the hangar, take an elevator up to the main broadcast area. Proceed through the still empty hallways. There is one active turret, which can be shut down using a security computer in a nearby room. Otherwise, there are no enemies besides a single deranged worker which can be heard and even seen from the right angle , inside a barricaded room.
The door is smashed beyond repair and cannot be opened. Therefore, the only entrance to this room is in a neighboring storage room: a vent hidden behind a refrigerator. You will need the strength augment to move it. The hallways lead to the broadcast center, which can only be entered from a smashed window, and right to Hugh Darrow. Confronting Darrow leads to the game's final dialogue challenge. Winning the challenge results in Darrow surrendering the shutdown codes.
After the confrontation with Darrow, retrace your steps to the elevator. The rooms around the elevator are now filled with insane workers. If you wish to leave the insane workers alive, it is at this point that the P.
The workers can be avoided, but due to the cramped corridors and the fact that they usually attack in larger groups, cornering and trapping the player, the P.
Gas grenades and gas mines will also allow non-lethal incapacitation of groups. For the more patient players, even a stun gun or tranquilizer rifle can function well, since conscious crazed workers will make no attempt to awaken unconscious crazed workers; however, one must bring sufficient ammunition since there is not much for either of those weapons within Panchaea itself. Alternatively, make sure to get the double takedown augmentation, and you can eventually wade through them all without too much trouble.
It is worth noting that these insane workers are basically in a temporary "zombie-like" state. As such, they will not think to climb over obstacles. You can use this for pacifist crowd control. Jump over, knock out one or two, then jump back. Since there is no XP reward for killing or disabling any of the workers and most of their loot is hardly worth mentioning, the main priority should just be to get through this part as quickly as possible.
Notable Exception : At the first encounter with the crazed workers, there's a guard in the corridor to the left. Even players avoiding the others should take down and loot him - doing so will net 20 slugs for the Plasma Rifle. Whichever style you choose, take the elevator back down.
At the bottom of the elevator, you return to the hangar seen earlier. The hangar is now filled with more insane workers. There are several ways to get through:. After getting through the hangar, proceed through another room with more insane workers.
After that are hallways off of which can be found a locker room with one insane worker and, a little later on, Panchaea's LIMB clinic. As you continue, you will overhear calls for help from William Taggart and David Sarif. More on these calls is contained in secondary objectives below. The hallways end in a large, three-story turbine site filled with insane workers.