When using terms currently in common use, it is still important to remember that what is considered acceptable may differ regionally, or by ethnicity, age group, country, etc. Hearing these stories from some of our colleagues is a valuable learning and discovery experience for many of us and, like understanding certain terms, gives an opportunity to learn more about the experiences of SGM people also in our workplace. We can also recognize and celebrate the diversity of our workforce and the principles of equal employment opportunity and inclusion by participating in one of the Safe Zone sessions at NIH.
Stay tuned for a future blog post that will take a closer look at the experiences of communities under the transgender "umbrella. Do you have a story idea for us? Do you want to submit a guest blog? STUD: A term originating within communities of color to describe a masculine identifying person who was assigned female at birth. MUXE : Derived from the Spanish word for woman mujer , muxes generally represent Mexican people who are assigned male at birth and identify as different genders.
Others defy gender entirely. This video and article can help you learn more about muxe culture and identity. Usually used to the advantage of the group in power. Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People. Cortex 25 , —34 Rametti, G. White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment.
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Reprints and Permissions. Structural connections in the brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation. Sci Rep 7, Download citation.
Received : 06 July Accepted : 23 November Published : 20 December Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
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