What kind of county council has kilkenny

It has a regional appeal. The Nore Linear Park provides a network of footpaths and cycleways along the river in the City combined with a sequence of high-quality public spaces, which is a significant recreational and biodiversity asset to the city.

Within the City, a walk between Talbotsinch and Ossory Bridge has been developed and upgraded to make it accessible to all users, including cyclists, people with disabilities and people using buggies. There is further potential to extend the linear park on both sides of the River Nore for a complete loop within the City. This will require further pedestrian and cycle connections between both banks of the river and extension of public access in particular on the eastern bank. The River Nore is the principal river flowing through Kilkenny City, and together with the River Breagagh and River Pococke, offer significant opportunities for recreational opportunities both water and landside, including an interconnecting network of routes for walking and cycling which also provide access for water-sports such as swimming, angling, boating, kayaking and nature trails amongst others.

Pedestrian and cycle routes along the river have the potential to connect to other walking and cycling routes. The setting of Kilkenny city in the Nore River Valley provides an opportunity for establishing open spaces and networks of open spaces of strategic value and importance within the city. The river encompasses built, natural and cultural heritage; is strongly identified with, and has had a very significant influence on, the life and development of the City.

The Breagagh River corridor, from the Water Barrack westwards and southwards is designated open space for most of its course and has the potential to be developed as a regional open space providing links from the Western Environs to the City.

Sections of the Pococke River to the east of the city centre are designated open space. The Council will seek to establish public parks along the Pococke and Breagagh Rivers subject to resources and finances. As part of the infrastructural works being carried out in the Breagagh Valley area at present a section of the Breagagh Valley park will be provided as part of that road scheme adjacent to the Circular road. The Council will promote the natural amenity potential of the River Nore, River Breagagh and Pococke River in order to facilitate the development of amenity, recreational, biodiversity and tourism benefits for the city, and will work with agencies and communities to improve access and facilities along the rivers in appropriate locations subject to the availability of resources.

C6M To develop access along the eastern bank of the river up from Greensbridge, to the proposed bio-diversity park at Dunmore See Vol. C6O To undertake a feasibility study to determine the optimal location for, and to develop, a water sports hub on the River Nore.

These parks provide facilities for both formal and informal recreation in a parkland environment. In the City, neighbourhood parks were provided at Loughboy and Newpark as part of the development of these neighbourhoods. In the Breagagh Valley and Loughmacask neighbourhoods, the provision of recreational facilities will be a requirement of their phased development. Provision has been made in both of these areas for open space networks, neighbourhood parks and smaller pocket parks as part of the Local Area Plans previously prepared in and There is a series of open spaces throughout the built-up areas of Kilkenny city, which provide a range of informal, passive and active recreational spaces.

Some are located within housing developments or some are small pocket parks within the wider public realm. One such space is the Glendine Amenity Area. An amenity scheme, to include drainage proposals, will be prepared for this area during the lifetime of this Plan.

C6R To prepare and implement an amenity scheme for the Glendine Amenity area, to include drainage proposals. The Council will not normally permit development which is not compatible with or would result in the loss of green infrastructure or land zoned for recreational or open space purposes. An exception may be considered where one or more of the following requirements are demonstrably met:.

There are a number of walking routes available in Kilkenny, through publicly owned and private lands — including long distance and looped walks and hiking routes. The Nore Valley walk currently has a section from Kilkenny to Bennettsbridge. It is Council policy to continue to assist with and support the development of the Nore Valley Walk and protect its route from encroachment by unsympathetic development.

There are significant built recreation and sporting facilities provided throughout the City through a mix of public, private clubs, schools, community facilities and voluntary organisations. Hurling and equestrian pursuits are of considerable importance to the county. Outdoor facilities include playing pitches, golf courses, pitch and putt courses, and athletic running tracks.

Some of these facilities also combine other uses — such as the walking tracks developed around playing pitches and some facilities also combine locations with indoor facilities including swimming pools, gyms and community and sports halls catering for indoor sports — such as at the Watershed in Kilkenny City. The Council will co-operate with local development organisations, community groups, sporting organisations and other stakeholders in the development of active recreational facilities throughout the City and to enter into joint venture arrangements where appropriate for the provision of such facilities.

The skatepark is current under construction. A National Play Policy [17]. The policy advocates a child-centred approach to the development of play facilities. A number of playgrounds have been developed in various locations throughout the city as follows:. Kilkenny City 7 :. Castle Park, Assumption Place, Fr. Development Management Requirements :. Within new residential developments where there is a significant family residential component the whole environment should be designed so as to permit children to play in safety.

They can be created by use from time immemorial, by statute or by dedication by the full owner of the land. The Council recognises the legal rights of all landowners and that rights of access to their lands may only be obtained with their permission where an existing right of way does not exist.

A list of existing known rights of way in the county are included as on Appendix C to this plan and are shown on Volume 1, Figure 8.

Known existing rights of way at the time of writing this Plan are listed, however this is not a comprehensive list, and further work will be carried out during the life of this plan to provide a more extensive listing.

The Council recognises the importance of maintaining established rights of way and supports initiatives for establishing new walking routes and enhanced accessibility.

The Council will use its powers under the Planning Acts to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance existing rights of way, to determine where public rights exist and where public rights of way should be created, and to promote their greater use in amenity areas — including access points to the River Nore and other amenity areas of the City See Volume 1 Section 8. An emerging new form of land use has been the development of allotments.

Allotments can have a number of benefits including the promotion of healthy lifestyles, biodiversity and providing a cheaper, local and sustainable source of food. The Council will support and facilitate the development of allotments within the City. Applicants will be required to make provision for sports and recreational infrastructure commensurate with the needs generated by any development and the capacity of existing facilities in the area to cater for existing and future needs.

For details of the requirements for the provision of open space within residential developments refer to Volume 1 Section A National Play Policy. GA Gaeilge. Kilkenny City: Placemaking. Kilkenny City: Placemaking 6. Quality places share some common characteristics such as: A strong character and sense of place which has cultural, built and natural heritage understood, valued and enhanced A rich diversity of functions and activities underpinning viability and vitality.

A well-connected network of streets and spaces of high quality for all users which promotes urban life, community coherence and sense of shared ownership. Prioritising walking, cycling and public transport to reduce our reliance on the car, thereby contributing to health and wellbeing. The principal features to emerge from the analysis presented in this housing strategy, applicable to Kilkenny City are as follows: Based on the Roadmap for the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy , for the period to , housing provision for a total of 3, additional people, representing approximately 1, new households will need to be provided for to meet the population targets set for Kilkenny City in the NDP and RSES.

Housing Development Management Requirements Quality in the context of urban development means the development of a high-quality built environment through the promotion of high-quality urban design.

The 12 Criteria are: Context: How does the development respond to its surroundings? Inclusivity: How easily can people use and access the development? Variety: How does the development promote a good mix of activities? Efficiency: How does the development make appropriate use of resources, including land? Distinctiveness: How do the proposals create a sense of place? Layout: How does the proposal create people-friendly streets and spaces?

Public realm: How safe, secure and enjoyable are the public areas? Adaptability: How will the buildings cope with change? Parking: How will the parking be secure and attractive? Detailed design: How well thought through is the building and landscape design?

Development Management Requirements: To ensure that all new housing developments and developments for renewal which includes housing, includes a mix of housing types to maximise the range of housing options in each new development and to prevent the proliferation of limited option house types in any particular area.

Objective: C6F To promote the redevelopment and renewal of areas identified having regard to the core strategy, that need regeneration, in order to prevent: adverse effects on existing amenities in such areas, in particular as a result of the ruinous or neglected condition of any land, urban blight and decay anti-social behaviour, or a shortage of habitable houses or of land suitable for residential use or a mixture of residential and other uses.

Provision of an adequate outdoor play area within the curtilage of all full day care facilities. This outdoor play area shall be located to have minimum impact on the amenity of surrounding properties, particularly in residential areas and should also be separate from car parking and service areas. Deaths in State care show systemic cracks remain despite reforms Leitrim rents driven up by people leaving cities during pandemic Sales of Covid antigen tests expected to rise in run-up to Christmas We grew up eating avocados.

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