Or is it a living, self-directed organization that moves according to its own will and meaning, in accordance with its basis values and principles?
Or is it a market object, which is transformed and developed to meet changes in consumer demand, following the trends and megatrends of a market society? Save to Library Save. Create Alert Alert. Share This Paper. A polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture. Many different actors have hopes and aspirations for the future of organic agriculture.
They have different perspectives on organic agriculture with different understandings of what it is and what makes it move. Each perspective entails a certain understanding of organic agriculture featuring certain concepts and values and a particular logic or rationality.
It is important to acknowledge this heterogeneity when investigating the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture.
We suggest a polyocular approach that facilitates a comprehensive and balanced understanding of organic agriculture by enabling us to handle different perspectives reflexively.
The suggestion here, is to see it as an implantation of post-modernist values into agriculture and as representing a … Expand. View 2 excerpts, references background. Principles of organic agriculture as formulated by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.
The New Zealand organic industry has grown rapidly over the last ten years. While New Zealand did have a small organic agriculture social movement from the s, the size and scope of the industry … Expand.
View 1 excerpt, references background. The recent development and growth oforganic livestock farming and the relateddevelopment of national and internationalregulations has fueled discussions amongscientists and philosophers concerning … Expand. A semiotic polyocular framework for multidisciplinary research in relation to multifunctional farming and rural development. The concept of multifunctional farming rises out of a problematization of the role of agriculture in society and, in particular, in relation to rural development.
Hitherto multifunctional farming has … Expand. View 4 excerpts, references background. Increasing concerns have been expressed about whether the alternative character of the organic farming movement is being maintained as it grows in size and popularity.
This paper examines this … Expand. Organic farming in a regulatory perspective. The Danish case. Organic farming aims at developing self-regulating sustainable farming systems and seems to be an important example of environmental self-regulation with a strong basis in values.
Political … Expand. The 'Conventionalisation' thesis reconsidered: structural and ideological transformation of Australian organic agriculture. We suggest a polyocular approach that facilitates a comprehensive and balanced understanding of organic agriculture by enabling us to handle different perspectives reflexively. To illustrate this approach we describe three significant perspectives on organic agriculture based on protest, meaning and market. No perspective is the 'right' one and we claim, different perspectives on organic agriculture cannot be merged to one.
We hope that polyocularity as a general analytical tool, and the three specific perspectives, will be helpful in understanding the future development of organic agriculture and how it may be influenced.