National News. Text Alert Sign-up. Newsletter Sign-up. Salute to Veterans. Local Info. Past Christmas Parades. Sales Team. Podcasts The Wake Up Crew. Action Line.
Truman Show. Rutherford Issues. The Del Walmsley Show. The Ken Coleman Show. The Ramsey Show. Financial Coaching Radio. All Sports Talk. Coast to Coast. More: Priced out of the market? Cities where the middle class can no longer afford a home. More: What city is adding the most jobs in your state? A look at who's hiring. More: Infrastructure spending: Which state is falling apart the worst? More: Looking for love: How much does the average date cost in your state?
More: Profitable eateries: 50 highest grossing restaurants in the US. More: What are the worst floods in American history? More: Which state is America's most miserable? An analysis of well-being. The average price of a barrel of crude oil and annual gasoline consumption also came from the EIA.
Annual U. Per-capita gas consumption was calculated using population estimates from the U. Even so, we are in a period of relative oil price stability. States also impose gasoline taxes, which vary from state to state and affect the average price nationwide. Here are the states with the highest and lowest gas taxes. Click here to see the cost of gas the year you were born Click here to read our methodology. Skip to content. Special Report.