When was forth rail bridge completed

Each of the towers has four steel tubes 12ft 3. Their foundations extend 89ft below this into the river bed, making the total height from foundations to the top of the towers metres. The total length of the bridge, including its approach viaducts is 2, metres. The main structure itself measures 1, metres portal to portal. It incorporated 6. It was designed to withstand a wind force of 56lb per square foot. Building the foundations for the vast towers started with the construction of huge caissons which were built on site and sunk using compressed air.

The first of the caissons was floated into position on 26 May By all the foundations were in position ready to take the steelwork. Thanks to the organisation and inventiveness of William Arrol, the bridge was completed in November , just 6 years after work started although at the time the weather was particularly cold and Arrol had to wait for milder weather conditions before the enormous structure expanded sufficiently for the final rivets to be inserted.

Total Length 8, Ft or 2, m, 1, for the main structure. Longest span 1, ft m either side of the center cantilever. Clearance over high water ft 48 m , Dictated by the Admiralty, for naval vessels passing below.

Steel used 54, tons, and a total of 6. As shown in this photograph from about , the job of painting to protect was a necessary and ongoing task. The bridge was completed in December , and load testing of the completed bridge was carried out on 21 January Two trains, each consisting of three heavy locomotives and 50 wagons loaded with coal, totalling 1, tons in weight, were driven slowly from South Queensferry to the middle of the north cantilever, stopping frequently to measure the deflection of the bridge.

This represented more than twice the design load of the bridge: the deflection under load was as expected. A few days previously there had been a violent storm, producing the highest wind pressure recorded to date at Inchgarvie, and the deflection of the cantilevers had been less than 25 mm 1 in. The first complete crossing took place on 24 February, when a train consisting of two carriages carrying the chairmen of the various railway companies involved made several crossings.

The bridge was opened on 4 March by the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII who drove home the last rivet, which was gold plated and suitably inscribed. The key for the official opening was made by Edinburgh silversmith John Finlayson Bain, commemorated in a plaque on the bridge.

After all testing and inspections of the bridge were completed, it was formally opened by the Prince of Wales later King Edward VII , who drove home a final gold plated rivet, on 4 March At the same ceremony, he also knighted Benjamin Baker. Described as the eight wonder of the world, the forth rail bridge is celebrated in this panel from the great tapestry of scotland. In the tapestry will move to a permanant base in the Scottish borders, opposite the station at Tweedbank.

The Forth Road Bridge was the fourth longest in the world and the longest outside the United States when it opened. The bracing between the towers in the shape of a St Andrews Cross adds to its stylish appearance. It is also the largest to feature the cross hatching cables, adding extra strength, stability, and giving a distinctive elegance. Search for:. Home Forth Rail Bridge. History of the Forth Crossing Prior to the construction of the bridge, ferry boats were the only means to cross the Firth.

Sir Thomas Bouch. Bouch Forth Bridge detail. Design proposals. The Designer Sir Benjamin Baker. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our websites.

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However, you can change your cookie settings at any time. Toggle navigation. Home Forth Bridge History. History of the Forth Bridge A regular ferry operated between North and South Queensferry as far back as the 12th century. Forth Bridge.

Facts and figures. The bridge builders. Construction statistics. Building the bridge. Facts and figures. Construction gallery. About the bridge.

Major projects. Truss end links repair. Main expansion joint replacement. Main cable inspection. Main cable dehumidification. Main cable acoustic monitoring. Main cable replacement study.


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