When was francis bellamy born

Box 1 Scrapbook- Exhibit A contents removed and placed in folders in original order See package containing September 8, issue of The Youth's Companion and October issue of the Columbian Exposition. Original Cover of Scrapbook. Pages of Scrapbook. Pages that fell out of the scrapbook, without numbering. Two ribbons commemorating the Columbus Day Celebration, Box 2, Folder 2 Exhibits Group B, Exhibit B Affidavit of Mrs.

Lou Stuart Wadsworth, April 28, Exhibit B Letter from Mrs. Wadsworth, May 10, and typed copy similar to Box 2, Folder 2a Exhibits Group B, March Scott, July 7, Scott's son to David Bellamy, December 23, Exhibit B Report on origin an author of pledge by Mrs. Exhibit B Affidavit of J. Bellamy son of Francis Bellamy.

Exhibit B Letter from Roland P. Wirths to David Bellamy, April 4, Box 2, Folder 3 Exhibits Group C. Box 2, Folder 4 Exhibit Group D.

Exhibit D Letter from J. Exhibit D Elk's Handbook citing Bellamy as author of pledge on cover. Box 2, Folder 5 Exhibit Group E. Exhibit E "Francis M. Exhibit F Envelope postmarked from the editors of the Youth's Companion. Youth's Companion July 9, Upham, with no mention of the Pledge. Exhibit H Letter from Col.

Moss, March 14, Exhibit H Letter from Charles C. Tansill to David Bellamy, March 23, Tansill to David Bellamy, April 19, Tansill to David Bellamy, April 24, Tansill to David Bellamy, May 8, Tansill to David Bellamy, May 14, Moss to David Bellamy, May 25, Tansill to David Bellamy, May 31, Exhibit I Congressional Record, June 4, Exhibit I Letter from Marion H. Box 2, Folder 8 Exhibit Group J. Bellamy II, March 21, Materials on the Pledge Authorship Controversy.

Box 3, Folder 3 Pledge Authorship Case. Correspondence and news clippings concerning the authorship of the Pledge of Allegiance. Correspondence includes letters to and from David Bellamy to Colonel J. Strong, Charles C. Tansill of Fordham University between Clipping and letters concerning the official recognition of the Pledge by Congress in The Congressional Record of September 11, page A cites that this team declared Bellamy the author.

Box 3, Folder 4 Pledge Miscellany. Note to "Madame President" concerning the gift of a plaque, no date on Eastman House note card. Your Flag and Mine booklet, Box 3, Folder 5 Articles about the Pledge. Box 3, Folder 6 Upham Claims Authorship.

Box 3, Folder 9 Margarette Miller Material. Wellsman to Margarette S. Miller, October 29, Miller to David Bellamy, November 1, Bellamy and his supervisor, James B. Upham, felt that the flag needed an appropriate ceremony associated with it to create the feeling of national unity that both men thought was threatened by America's changing demographics. His original pledge read as follows: 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands—one Nation indivisible—with Liberty and Justice for all.

Bellamy considered placing the word 'equality' in his pledge, but knew that the state superintendents of education were against equality for women and African Americans. Several edits to Bellamy's pledge were made over the years, the most notable being the inclusion of 'under God' in after a successful campaign made to Congress by the Knights of Columbus.

After Bellamy's death a dispute over the authorship of the pledge erupted between his son and the son of James Upham. A committee of historians ruled in favor of Bellamy in , and after the debate surfaced in the s a group from the Library Congress conducted further research and again supported Bellamy's authorship. Francis J. Bellamy, author of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in , lived in Tampa from until his death in His occupation was "Advertising Manager, Public Utilities.

He was an American Baptist minister who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance in It was published in the Youth's Companion, which was a nationally circulated magazine for adolescents, and by was the largest publication of any type in the United States, with a circulation around , Including his years at previous journalism jobs, Bellamy had spent nineteen years in advertising in New York City.

He had played a part in the development of the advertising industry from its infancy to a fabulous world of signboards, neon lights, double page color ads, and the beginnings of radio commercials. Bellamy believed in high pressure advertising but believed it still could be truthful advertising.


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