Thomas Hancock was the inventor of the rubber band. What was it used for? Thomas Hancock thought it would be a good idea to put papers together , but he needed something that would stretch and hold them in place. When was it invented? The rubber band was first invented in Where was it invented?
This website uses cookies. Rubber bands have been holding things together for the past years. Stephen Perry, a British inventor and businessman, invented the rubber band to hold paper and envelopes together in the midth century. He came up with the idea of the rubber band after fellow inventor Charles Goodyear invented the material in Vulcanisation, a chemical process for converting polymers into more durable materials, gave the rubber a higher tensile strength, improved its resistance to abrasion and allowed the elastic to remain flexible and supple over a wider range of temperatures.
Perry patented the concept of the rubber band on 17th March , calling his invention elastic bands. He made them by forcing the rubber through a die a process known as extruding and into a long tube to provide the general long, thin shape. He then put the tubes on mandrels, cured the rubber with heat and sliced it width-wise. This caused the tube to split into multiple sections, creating rubber bands.
His patent, granted by the government, gave his company the sole right to manufacture and sell his invention. Once Perry had patented his invention, the production of rubber bands began in earnest at Messrs Perry and Co. They were advertised as being useful for holding together "papers, letters, etc" and proved an instant hit with the public.
Perry opened the UK's first rubber band factory. The material he came up with was hard, elastic and strong. By , he had perfected the process and taken out patents for it in America. The conflict began when he tried to take the process abroad, when he realised that Hancock had patented a similar method in After a long court battle, Hancock emerged the winner.
While rubber strips began to be used to tie bundles of material together in factories, it was a man named William Spencer from Alliance, Ohio, USA, who made rubber bands a household item in