At the same time, memories can bring back negative emotions as well, including jealousy, envy, guilt or anger. In many cases, negative emotional memories have more staying power and greater intensity than do the pleasantly remembered experiences. And a negative emotion like anger — even when connected to the memory of a past event, rather than something occurring in the present — can spur an individual to want to take action to right the past wrong against them.
The concept of emotional memory helps explain why some memories can seem to stay fresh in your mind for years while others become blurry and eventually fade. Emotion is the anchor that keeps memories in our minds. When emotion is activated, the brain begins to store details as many as possible about the related event and prepares for quick recall of the information.
Backed by strong emotion, the memory often can pop up instantaneously, even years or decades after the fact. Although memories associated with negative emotions sometimes can seem more vivid, the brain stores memories associated with both positive and negative feelings. During recall of memories, the brain uses its hippocampus and amygdala regions — the same ones responsible for coding emotional experiences into memories.
Researchers say the strength of emotional memories may have roots with our distant ancestors, whose experienced emotions, such as fear associated with encountering a predator, may have helped them remember negative and positive experiences so they could later avoid or pursue them.
In some cases, extreme emotional states, especially those that linger, can cause damage to the usual method the brain uses to process memories. If an experience is traumatic enough, an individual may re-live it repeatedly and be unable to store it in longer term memory or simply forget about it, resulting in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Event memory involves creating a mental image of a scene or a moment in time. Unlike emotional memories — which use the hippocampus and amygdala in the brain — event memories use the hippocampus plus sensory cues. The defining trait of event memory is that it involves an event that occurred at a specific time. The memory can involve elements relating to all the senses, including smell, touch, taste, sight and sound.
Typically, the memory includes details, and the individual often believes that the memory accurately represents the event as it happened. The scene-based recall of event memory does not necessarily include a feeling of reliving the moment, and it can even occur as a summary of several events that the memory has combined as it encoded the information.
The clusters may be close to each other in time or can have a cause-and-effect relationship that helps the individual recall them. Even though the expressions are universal present when the emotion of sadness is felt , it seems that culture determines whether the person even relates the feelings to the event.
Less dramatically perhaps, the other differences between cultures and within any culture which I have outlined our words for emotions, and what is learned about an event which calls forth an emotion, in display rules, and attitudes about emotions all these shape our emotional experience.
However, what that expression is telling us may not be the same in every culture. Universals and facial expressions of emotion can serve as a model for understanding other aspects of social behavior. In part our social behavior is constructed by experience, in part it is constructed as a result of our evolution as a species. What has been adaptive to us in our lives is malleable, and may vary from one family setting to another, among different social classes and ethnic groups within a culture and across cultures.
What has been adaptive to our species, to our history on this planet, may not always be adaptive to our current life experience. How much we are influenced by individual experience and how much by our evolutionary history varies, depending upon what aspect of our behavior we are considering.
It is never a question only of nature or only of nurture. We are bio-social creatures, our minds are embodied, reflecting our lives and the lives of our ancestors.
Darwin led the way not only in the biological sciences but in the social sciences as well. The distinction between emotional expressions and gestures has been incorporated in current work on nonverbal communication.
While gestures can refer to nearly anything thoughts, plans, actions, wishes, fantasies, and so forth the expressions pertain simply to the emotions. Expressions typically involve the face and the voice and, to a much lesser extent, body movement or posture. Darwin focused most on facial expressions , although he gave some attention to other expressions.
Gestures typically are shown in hand movements, although a few involve facial movement. Interpersonal means "between people. Basically we can actually easy differentiate track event from field event. They differ on the events that is being held on it. In track events which is likely running is being played while in the field events games such as jumping ,throwing is always been undertake. The feeling of consciousness doesn't differ through the ability of sight. It would be the same as a sight-able person.
Relationship education is about feeling and amotions and sex education is all about pieriods and wet dreams and things they need to prepare you about for when your older. Log in. Add an answer.
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