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Course Director s :. Course Faculty:. So, we do not love God as we ought. We do not live thankfully toward God, and the consequences of our ingratitude are a darkening of our hearts and a slipping down into deeper wickedness Romans We do not love people as we ought. We exploit other humans as if they are mere resources to fulfill our selfish desires.
The earth is given to us for sustenance and enjoyment. God wants his image to be seen in human society. By doing so, you will demonstrate in this world the image of God, the sacred image that makes you truly human. Find a Chapter. Study the Bible. Skip to main content. May 05, Blog Categories:. Jonathan Rice. For example, Koenig describes strengths and virtues, such as forgiveness, gratitude, and humility, as mediators linking spirituality and health Koenig et al. In fact, within most models or ways of thinking about spirituality, one would be hard-pressed not to discover one or more character strengths as an important part of the model.
The casual observer and user of the VIA classification may not be struck by the role of spirituality that can be interpreted within it. However, a careful examination of the VIA classification reveals several levels by which spirituality is infused, explicitly and implicitly. Each is relevant to our reflections on the integration of spirituality and character strengths. We start with the most specific and broaden from there. The most obvious point of integration is the direct labeling of one of the 24 character traits that are ubiquitous in human beings as the strength of spirituality.
This strength is defined in the VIA classification model as knowing where one fits within the larger scheme; and having beliefs about the meaning of life that shape conduct and provide comfort Peterson and Seligman, There are several dimensions to this strength: it can be expressed through feelings and practices relating to interconnectedness, virtue, calling, religious ritual, faith, nature, meaning in life, and purpose Niemiec and McGrath, This level represents a concrete integration of the sacred already existing within the VIA model.
However, we argue that this is merely a starting point for the other levels of integration and the wider synergy discussed in this paper. These include, but are not limited to, the character strengths of humility, gratitude, forgiveness, awe appreciation of beauty , kindness, hope, fairness, and love for example, Saroglou et al.
The strength of spirituality is nested within the larger virtue category called transcendence. Transcendence is a term from the spiritual literature that refers to moving beyond the concrete, physical world and connecting outside oneself. The original framing for the virtue of transcendence is strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning Peterson and Seligman, Other strengths under the virtue category of transcendence include gratitude, hope, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and humor, although the latter has subsequently been shown scientifically to align better with other virtues such as wisdom and humanity Ruch and Proyer, The specific six virtues in the VIA classification — wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence — were derived from examining the common threads or truths across all the major world religions, as well as ancient philosophies Dahlsgaard et al.
In other words, these virtues are prominent and important spiritual pathways to the sacred found in the major world religions. While some strengths are more obviously aligned with spirituality see section Strength Level: Spiritually Oriented Strengths , those less obviously aligned not only correlate with spirituality McGrath, , Unpublished but have been shown in studies to be particularly important to it.
Take the strength of self-regulation or self-control, for example, which is not traditionally viewed as a spiritual strength although temperance is certainly a related spiritual virtue. Studies have found substantial connections in which higher levels of spirituality or the priming of spirituality led to improvements in self-regulation Laurin et al.
Another example is the link between creativity and spirituality e. These less obvious spiritually related strengths have the potential to add richness, depth, and perspective to self-transcendence, spiritual expression, and development. While they were not referring to morally valued in the spiritual or sacred context, we find their comments relevant here. They explained that some character strengths are obviously morally valued, such as love and fairness, while other strengths are less clear, such as humor.
For example, a comedian who uses humor to kindly cheer up sick children at a pediatric hospital would be applying his or her strength of humor in a morally valued way. Each strength is a capacity for expressing goodness — being good, doing good for others, and expressing meaning or purpose in the world. Building from these levels, we hypothesize a meta approach that offers wholeness as an overarching final level. Many researchers have discussed a master strength representing a higher arching virtue by which the other strengths pass through to operate or optimally express themselves — for example, self-regulation Baumeister and Vohs, , love Vaillant, , humility Lavelock et al.
We offer another perspective: wholeness. Wholeness shifts our focus away from the search for one key to the life well-lived Pargament et al.
It embraces the need to wrestle with life in its multifaceted complexity and organize it into a unified whole. To put it colloquially, wholeness has to do with how well we put the bits and pieces of our lives together, and as such, it is an ongoing, vibrant process. Although the movement from brokenness to greater wholeness has received emphasis within religious traditions, wholeness is not the antithesis of brokenness but rather involves a changed relationship to brokenness.
Indeed, to be whole we must allow ourselves to get fully involved in life, be vulnerable enough to see our brokenness, and find ways to create a new compelling unity out of the broken pieces. At the core of being human lie paradoxes and dichotomies that contain the whole of existence and encapsulate completeness. The whole life is thus marked by integrity and, as noted, several defining ingredients — breadth and depth, a life-affirming orientation, and cohesiveness.
In imagining this role of master virtue, picture a wheel. Wholeness is at the center or hub of the wheel, and the 24 character strengths are the spokes directing energy toward the hub, as well as receiving energy from it. Wholeness lends unity to all 24 character strengths. It is directed toward a relationship with what is perceived as sacred.
Figure 1 shows elements of a model of the spiritual journey through character strengths as a force for wholeness. This model incorporates the three-dimensional developmental elements of Mayseless and Russo-Netzer , which are rooted in cross-cultural, spiritual, and religious literature. In brief, they argue that spiritual growth occurs across three spatial facets: deep within, up and beyond, and sideways and interconnected.
For example, over time the individual explores, engages with, pursues, and experiences character strengths with the sacred leading toward greater wholeness.
This exploring and engagement occurs as the individual a uses character strengths e. Figure 1. Heuristic model for the spiritual journey showing the synergy of character strengths and spirituality toward greater wholeness. As can be seen in our proposed heuristic model, this connective tissue catalyzed by spirituality and character strengths brings people to authentically face their suffering, challenges, and brokenness as an essential and inherent part of a full life, to connect deeply with others, and to reach up to a greater sacred presence in their journey toward wholeness.
We propose that there are two main ways that spirituality and character strengths become integrated and positively impact each other. We use the term path or pathway in a conceptual way, as opposed to using it as a scientific or empirical term that definitively captures causal directions, mediating or moderating effects.
We have named the two pathways based on the dynamics we perceive to be occurring within each integration of constructs. First, we consider how character strengths can support, guide, and enhance spirituality — this process will be referred to as the grounding path. Then we examine the reverse direction. The application and use of spirituality to support and enhance character strengths will be referred to as the sanctification path.
Each of these pathways is hypothesized as leading to greater wholeness. Below, we offer explanations and examples for each of these paths of integration. In the grounding path of integration, character strengths enhance spirituality. Through this path, spirituality can become more tangible, accessible, layered, and filled with greater meaning and substance. Imagine a spiritual practice or spiritual experience devoid of love, kindness and compassion, forgiveness, humility, fairness, judgment, and critical thinking, and hope.
The grounding path of integration helps deepen the awareness, expression, and meaning of spirituality through everyday experience of CS. As character strengths are ubiquitous qualities in all human beings, across cultures, nations, and beliefs Biswas-Diener, ; Park et al.
The critical role of character strengths in spirituality was highlighted by Schuurmans-Stekhoven who found that well-being is more strongly associated with character strengths than spirituality, and that spirituality is related to character strengths more strongly than to well-being.
Multivariate analyses showed that character strengths account for the entire positive effect of the relationship between spirituality and well-being, and argued that character strengths might be the best explanation for why spirituality has positive effects.
They enable an individual to take sacred moments and experiences to a deeper level, such as when a person uses her bravery to face the challenges of being vulnerable with another person or who uses her perseverance to press forward with her spiritual practice even though many obstacles are getting in the way.
One can see the potential that the grounding path could have for the person who seeks spirituality or adheres to a set of religious beliefs but is lost in a world of addictive behavior in which self-kindness, perspective, perseverance, and other character strengths are being woefully under-utilized; these strengths and others hold the potential to enhance their spirituality. See Table 1 for examples of character strengths and how each can enhance spirituality; but note that any particular strength can serve many purposes and be applied across various areas of spirituality.
The areas of spirituality offered include rituals, practices, experiences, and beliefs Hood et al. Table 1. Examples of integrating character strengths into different areas of spirituality within the grounding path.
At this point, it is important to note that the character strengths literature suggests that humans can overuse or underuse any of the 24 character strengths Niemiec, a. Research has drawn links between an imbalance among character strengths with psychopathology Freidlin et al. For the grounding path, the addition of character strengths has the potential to create a healthy and balanced spirituality that pursues the good for oneself, others, and all beings, and yet imbalances can occur.
Balancing character strengths calls for greater wholeness, including the qualities of cohesiveness, flexibility, and discernment. It has been suggested that a grounded, everyday spirituality is one that is flexible to allow exploration and inquiry, rather than rigidity, and encourages openness and pluralism Russo-Netzer, b. The grounding pathway of integration can also be viewed through the lens of existing spiritual models and spiritual programs in which character strengths are likely present and enhance spirituality in some way.
For example, in a 4-week program addressing spiritual struggles in a religious context, sessions focused on the value of virtue, the problem with perfection, growth and grace, and relapse and reconciliation Ano et al. Multiple character strengths — although not necessarily made explicit — can be seen in each session, such as forgiveness the focus on cultivating this strength , hope the focus on future growth , self-regulation a focus on seeing the limits of self-control , spirituality the focus on pursuing grace , and perseverance a focus on overcoming barriers , to name just a few strength pathways designed to improve spirituality.
This program was successful in helping people cultivate their virtues and resist their vices. The other way spirituality and character strengths can become integrated is through the sanctification path. This path involves the exploration, integration, and impact of spirituality upon character strengths. Sanctification is not used in a theological sense here.
Rather, it refers to the psychological process of perceiving aspects of life as manifestations of God or as containing qualities often associated with the divine, such as transcendence, boundlessness, ultimacy, and deep connectedness Pargament and Mahoney, A growing body of research has pointed to the benefits of instilling life domains — marriage, family, the environment, strivings, moments in time, work — with deeper spiritual meaning Powerleau et al.
People are more likely to invest in, preserve, and protect sacred aspects of life. They draw on what they hold sacred as sources of strength and inspiration. They also derive greater satisfaction, purpose, and mental health benefits from sacred objects and experience. Any of the 24 character strengths could also be imbued with spiritual significance and meaning, lending motivational power to the strength.
While each character strength has been described as a capacity for thinking, feeling, and behaving Park et al. Thus, when a strength is sanctified, its sacred dimension is being tapped into and potentially expressed. A more general example is found in spirituality exemplars, or individuals who are living their truth and modeling a life that pursues the sacred in a positive way. Hence, the power of the sacred is being tapped in these less traditionally spiritual strengths and as a result of the spiritual living.
Although relatively little research from either field has focused directly on the sanctification of character strengths e. Sanctification can lend the domain of character strength a larger significance or sense of purpose. Viewed through the lens of the sacred, any character strength can become broadened and deepened. We demonstrate this integration in Table 2 using character strength and appreciation of beauty, in the context of a simple example of someone stepping outside their house into the outdoors where nature can be seen.
Table 2. Three responses to beauty by a person walking into a nature scene, illustrating the distinction of the sanctification path. It is important to add that the processes of sanctification and character strengths in turn can be cultivated within traditional or nontraditional spiritual contexts.
Spiritual and religious systems, and often the leaders therein, frequently and explicitly encourage people to see character strengths as fruits of the spirit, expressions of what it means to be a good religious person, be it a good Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu Pargament and Mahoney, Sanctification can also grow out of spiritual practices, rituals, or living a spiritually focused life.
Simply sitting mindfully with or savoring a character strength can instill it with deeper spiritual value Bryant and Veroff, A focus on spirituality through spiritual practices seems to be linked with greater expression of character strengths. Berthold and Ruch , for example, compared religious people who practice their religion, religious people who do not practice their religion, and people who are not religious. The group that practiced their religion reported a more meaningful life and scored higher on the strengths of kindness, love, hope, forgiveness, and spirituality compared with the other groups.
This section offers a dual integrative approach, first highlighting evidence-based practices from the field of spirituality and how they are or might be enhanced by character strengths the grounding path of integration. Then, we turn to the literature on character strength interventions and illustrate how spirituality can serve as an important lens or enhancer of strengths the sanctification path of integration. There are a number of traditional or nontraditional spiritual practices that could serve as the backbone for the discussion here, such as types of prayer, meditation, sacred readings, exposure to nature e.
Below we sample five spiritual practices that have been linked with positive outcomes e. This activity involves developing a more finely tuned mindset, or lens, through which one perceives and discovers the sacred Powerleau et al.
There are a number of avenues and successful pathways for cultivating this lens, such as creating space and time to explore sacred moments Goldstein, ; Pargament et al. Ultimately, this practice is about becoming a good spiritual explorer.
The character strength of curiosity can be deliberately deployed in this seeking, perceiving, and exploring of what might be or is sacred to oneself. Other wisdom-oriented character strengths such as perspective encourage the individual to reflect on past experiences of the sacred. Similarly, creativity can catalyze brainstorming future approaches to facilitate a closer connection with the sacred. Character strengths not only have a role in developing a spiritual lens but also in the active dwelling in or experience of spiritual moments.
Empirical studies have shown that the experience of sacred moments in life is associated with a number of mental health benefits, including greater meaning, purpose, and life satisfaction Pargament et al. Building on this literature, providers have begun to create and evaluate programs that cultivate sacred moments, and character strengths can be important elements of the path. For example, McCorkle developed a week manualized intervention to increase perception of sacredness in life through didactic material, discussion, and meditation.
Each week focused on the sacredness embodied in a different aspect of life, including various attributes related to character strengths, such as gratitude, giving and receiving gifts, kindness to oneself, and meaning and purpose.
They evaluated the effectiveness of the program with clients dealing with social anxiety. Qualitative data indicated that the program was effective in enhancing the sense of sacredness, which, in turn, fostered greater wholeness by expanding attentional focus, interrupting maladaptive thinking, and shifting behaviors that maintain social anxiety.
Similarly, Goldstein , p. In addition, focusing on sacred moments allowed participants greater access to both positive and negative emotions.
Thus, the intervention appeared to encourage more wholeness by broadening and deepening emotional experience. Character strengths, which can be made explicit in cultivating sacred moments, can expand the range of possible experiences for the individual and can also play a role in grounding the person in virtuous behavior.
Positive influencers, role models, or exemplars are important for many facets of life and are critical enablers of many character strengths Peterson and Seligman, Interventions involving learning from spiritual role models have been shown to positively influence nonmaterialistic aspirations and self-efficacy for learning Oman et al. For this practice, an important first step is to name the positive model or exemplar and describe how this person has been a positive influence and what has been learned from her.
We propose character strengths as a valuable addition to this practice. Individuals could be encouraged to explore how character strengths influence this person and catalyze her positive and moral behavior, with questions such as, which character strengths do you appreciate most about this spiritual figure?
How do they express these strengths in their actions? If you have had direct contact with this person, what character strengths do you suppose she saw in you? The questions about character strengths bring the spiritual model down-to-earth and serve as a reminder of their humanity as well as the common humanity shared with the observer.
This offers an opportunity for enhanced self-efficacy as the observer is empowered to copy the character strengths of the role model in their own way. Pargament , p. Why is it important that you are here in this world? What legacy would you like to leave behind in your life? To what or whom are you most devoted? Which character strengths are important as part of your life legacy?
Character strengths have been found to boost calling and purpose in life. For example, in one study of the workplace, those employees who used four or more of their signature strengths at work had significantly higher levels of viewing work as a calling Harzer and Ruch, Other studies have found certain character strengths, on average, correlate consistently highly with purpose in life — having clear goals in life and having a sense of directedness as well as holding beliefs that give life purpose.
Five character strengths — curiosity, perseverance, zest, hope, and self-regulation — are among the strongest correlates of purpose in life across different studies, while a second grouping of strengths shows significant correlations with purpose, though not as strong as the first group — love, honesty, bravery, perspective, love of learning, and creativity Harzer, These findings point to another pathway for boosting purpose and calling in life: an individual can directly target one or more of these character strengths — especially those in the first grouping — as a route toward purpose.
Theorists and researchers have delineated three main types of meaning: coherence, significance, and purpose George and Park, ; Martela and Steger, Coherence is the reflection-oriented level of meaning. Character strengths can be used to enhance coherence.
Significance is the feeling-oriented level of meaning. It involves feeling that one matters and that life matters, not only sensing and knowing the value of life but feeling that appreciation for oneself, others, and the world in a deep way.